
How close are we to a ‘workable’ HIV vaccine?

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专家认为,有效的疫苗对于结束流行病至关重要。版权:图像Ulrike LeonePixabay


  • HIV treatment has vastly improved, but no workable vaccine has yet been developed
  • 专家认为有效的疫苗对于结束流行病至关重要
  • New large-scale clinical trials raise cautious hope within scientific community



[墨西哥城]尽管在治疗和预防方面取得了巨大进步HIV爱滋病in recent decades, an effective vaccine remains elusive – and is desperately needed to end the global pandemic that kills more than 700,000 people each year.

AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and is one of thebig diseases affecting people in developing countries, along with tuberculosis and malaria.




南非医学研究委员会主席格伦达·格雷(Glenda Gray)

The problem is, new infections emerge all the time: at least 1.7 million more every year, of which 160,000 are children under 15.

南非医学研究委员会主席格伦达·格雷(Glenda Gray)(SAMRC), tellsSciDev.Net:“控制或消除疾病的唯一方法是使用疫苗。疫苗将比其他任何干预措施便宜,我们需要一种疫苗,因为我们仍然不接近控制艾滋病毒。我们缺少全球和地方一级的所有里程碑。”

HIV疫苗试验网络的首席研究员Larry Corey(Larry Corey(HVTN),突出显示全球流行病的大小。“艾滋病毒仍然是我们这个时代的大流行;每天有5,000人被感染。”他说。

Researchers such as Corey have worked on developing a vaccine against HIV since the 1980s, and although significant advancements have been made, there is still no workable protection able to be scaled up around the world.

Why is it so hard to find a vaccine that works?

Most effective vaccines use antibodies to neutralise viral infections. But scientists have seen that this doesn’t work for HIV, since the virus reproduces and mutates too fast for antibodies to be effective. Also, research has shown that there are different subtypes of HIV spread around the world: while subtype B is common in North America and Europe, subtype C prevails in southern and eastern Africa.


“HIV has been a very difficult virus,” says Corey, a virology expert. “It masks itself in ways we have never seen a virus do so well. It is very clever, and it uses different mechanisms to evade the immune system and persist. It’s more effective than any other virus.”


Research has focused on understanding what types of immune responses have to be produced in order to win the battle against the disease.


没有人类的模型显示治愈艾滋病,which constitutes a further barrier. “One of the reasons why we haven’t got a vaccine is that no humans have ever cured themselves of HIV,” Corey explains. “Zero out of 72 million. For every infectious disease there are at least a few people who cure themselves, but that’s not the case in HIV.”

Where are we now? Trials and their promises


Out of more than 100 vaccines that have been tested in humans, the biggest achievement so far has been the RV144 trial, also known as the “泰国研究”。这项研究表明,实验性疫苗的第一个有希望的结果,但成功是部分的:在接种疫苗后的几个月中,参与者被感染的可能性降低了60%,但三分之一和A-的参与者下降到50%半年。

国际艾滋病学会前主席琳达·盖尔·贝克(Linda-Gail Bekker)告诉scidev.net:“Importantly, we know [vaccination] can be achieved… the Thai vaccine taught us that. We have also now found ways to secure and create antibodies which very effectively bind and neutralise the virus.”

A modified version of the Thai vaccine is being tested in a large-scale phase 3 study in southern Africa. It is hoped it will reduce the risk of infection by at least 50 per cent and extend its protection period. The results will be public by 2021.

7月在10月10日宣布了最近的另一个有前途的进步th国际的艾滋病会议in Mexico City: the “Mosaico” vaccine, so-called because it is composed of different strains of the virus. This vaccine has proven to beeffective在涉及非洲妇女的测试中,将在美国,阿根廷,巴西,意大利,墨西哥,秘鲁,波兰和西班牙发生与​​男性(MSM)和跨性别人群发生性关系的男性中进行进一步评估。

“ Mosaico是我们在保护动物方面看到的最好的疫苗。现在,我们实际上必须看看它在人类中是否有效。”科里说。

贝克(Bekker),他是副主任Desmond Tutu HIV中心, thinks this vaccine should have a global impact if it works. While Mosaico’s researchers are cautiously optimistic about this new “global” vaccine, others havesaid期望应缓解,因为该病毒已被证明是高度动态的,能够快速改变,从而避免所有免疫反应。


A recent社论Nature总结说:“最终,只有疗效研究才能确定这些有前途的概念中的任何一个能够降低感染率或现有感染的水平。但是,早期临床研究和加速诊所的加速速度的管道非常令人鼓舞。”


Finding at least a partially effective vaccine remains of critical importance for the HIV response.

According to global sexual health charity避免,通过口服预防前预防(PREP),已经患有HIV的患者的普遍抗逆转录病毒治疗和疫苗的结合,新感染的最大降低将实现。该组织在其网站上说:“艾滋病毒疫苗比十年前更现实,对艾滋病毒疫苗的可用性的乐观预测是,到2030年可能会提供一种。”


Corey补充说:“这是一家非常高风险的业务,因此企业已经回避了它。”An exception has been the Mosaico study, a public-private partnership sponsored mainly by Janssen Vaccines & Prevention, with funding from the US National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and supported by the HVTN, headquartered at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, which facilitates its implementation.

根据科里(Corey)的估计,最大的投资者在美国的疫苗研究投资每年从政府获得7亿美元,而比尔·梅琳达·盖茨基金会(Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation)获得了2.5亿美元。他说:“实际上,美国政府和慈善事业使我们的重视使我们至少有一种乐观感,我们可以开发艾滋病毒疫苗。”

Unaids表示,迫切需要进行艾滋病毒疫苗研究的扩展。“在过去的十年中,投资一直保持稳定,每年约为9亿美元,不到艾滋病响应所需的总资源的5%。”陈述in 2018.
