
Privacy, affordability key in new HIV digital toolkits

HIV ribbon
专家说,艾滋病毒数字工具包必须是简单,负担得起和适应性的,同时确保绝对保密。版权:keila trejo/iadmedia,,,,(CC BY-NC 2.0)。This image has been cropped.

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  • 艾滋病毒/艾滋病论坛提出数字工具包,以抗击疾病
  • Disease affects around 38 million people worldwide
  • 健康专家说,技术必须“负担得起和机密”

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Digital tools widening access to HIV prevention, treatment and care services will be a vital weapon in the fight against the disease during COVID-19 and beyond — but they must be affordable and highly confidential.

So said health experts at the2021国际艾滋病协会本周从柏林远程举行的会议。该活动研究了数字技术消除的潜力HIV and AIDS,,,,which currently affects around 38 million people worldwide.

国际艾滋病协会(IAS)的行业联络论坛(ILF)确定并确定一组digital technological innovations,,,,based on advances made during theCOVID-19大流行,他们说应该采用预防艾滋病毒和护理并塑造数字health更广泛地。

Pradeep Kakkattil, director of the office of innovations at UNAIDS, said: “The AIDS movement has been very much about being the conscience of access to health and equity. We need to continue to play that role when it comes to this transition from where we are in the shift to digital, as we digitise health and access to healthcare.”


Pradeep Kakkattil, director of the office of innovations at UNAIDS

The digital toolkit includes mobile applications like SMS that simplify the return of medical results, telemedicine which enables online drug ordering for home delivery, and publicdata存储库。

The IAS says it will also look beyond HIV to how emerging health technologies have the potential to improve global health equity and drive progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.


In the session led Wednesday by the IAS-ILF and UNAIDS, which oversees the Health Innovation Exchange (HIEx), panellists agreed that digital tools must be simple, adaptable, and affordable, and designed with local engagement to ensure absolute confidentiality.

英国政府事务和全球公共卫生负责人海伦·麦克道威尔(Helen McDowell)说:“我们在COVID-19的回应中看到的是,它已经是自上而下的,没有社区的参与。”代表。“我们还看到了从何时获得利润的剥削 - 利润与生命。


肯尼亚的公共卫生专家拉哈卜·姆瓦尼基(Rahab Mwaniki)表示:“为了使社区不被抛在后面,我们需要确保负担能力和机密性,因为有些人没有透露他们的地位。我们还需要具有成本效益的工具。”

For McDowell, the solution is “partnership and collaboration”. “These have to exist between the industry, public private partnerships, government and the community,” she said.

生物保护门户AD 2

日内瓦研究生研究所的数字健康和权利项目高级研究员梅格·戴维斯(Meg Davis)说:“我们需要知道人们正在使用哪些平台,他们如何与他们互动……谁真正地推动了这些平台以确保人们确保人们该平台正在安全,安全地访问信息。”



伊丽莎白·格拉瑟(Elizabeth Glaser)儿科艾滋病基金会(Elizabeth Glaser Glaser Aids Foundation)的董事总经理兼战略和科学顾问尼克·海尔曼(Nick Hellmann)说:“实施所有这些事情确实确实需要一个村庄。如果社区在开发过程中很早就参与其中,那么您不仅可以开始解决可伸缩性问题,而且可以解决一些机密性和隐私问题,因为那时每个人都出现在同一页面上。”