

demo at cop26
在COP26示威者。他们的信息是:‘保持1。5 degrees Celsius within reach.' Copyright:不气候,,,,(CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

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  • Analysts disagree over global temperature rises under COP26 commitments
  • Irreversible impacts of climate change overlooked
  • 政党在COP27返回具有更强目标的政党

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This facts and figures article takes stock of where the world is at following the meeting.

结束于11月13日(比预定的日期晚了一天),197个国家同意英国总统任职的协议,表示“保持活力”目标限制温度上升至1.5摄氏度高于工业前水平。在过去的两年中,提交了150多个国家new or updated climate strategies,,,,a five-yearly requirement under the 2015 Paris Agreement.

But temperatures are expected to rise well above 1.5 degrees under these strategies.

The International Energy Agency predicted that if national targets “are met in full and on time” they would hold global temperature rises to 1.8 degrees Celsius by the end of the century.

However, independent scientific body the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) said that while warming could be limited to 1.8 degrees under the most optimistic scenario, there was a “credibility gap” due to the incompatibility between national goals and actions planned up to 2030.


Climate Action Tracker (2021). 2100 Warming Projections. November 2021. Available at: https://climateactiontracker.org/global/temperatures/ Copyright: Climate Analytics and NewClimate Institute. All rights reserved.

COP26的演讲者强调了丢失目标的重大影响。“我们有98个月的时间减半。1.5度和2度之间的差异是我们的死刑。”Shauna Aminath,马beplay足球体育的微博尔代夫环境部长。

Net zero and coal pledges

印度是全球第三大温室气体发射极,在广泛地被视为积极的消息中,为COP26设定了目标到2070年达到零碳排放。Although this goes beyond the 2050 or 2060 goals of many other countries, the move came as a surprise given India’s previous resistance to net zero. It also means that all the world’s major emitters now have a net zero commitment in place.

At COP26, a handful of countries joined an existing coalition of states, companies and banks who say they will phase out coal power, with about 25 committing to end international public support for the unabated fossil fuel energy sector by the end of 2022.

Despite these moves, some were disappointed that the final text in theGlasgow Climate Pactwas watered down, moving from an aim to “phase out” to an agreement to “phase down” unabated coal power.

Outside the official negotiations, funds were committed to developing economies via the launch of the Accelerating Coal Transition programme, aninvestment of nearly $2.5 billiontouted as a “first-ever effort to advance a just transition from coal power to clean energy in emerging economies”.

Launched by multilateral financing mechanism Climate Investment Funds and backed by financial pledges from the US, UK, Germany, Canada and Denmark, the first beneficiaries are expected to be South Africa, India, Indonesia and the Philippines.



但是在其他地方,气候金融局势不足。发展中国家在2009年哥本哈根峰会上的承诺,到2020年尚未达到1000亿美元的年度气候融资,这是经济合作与发展组织(OECD)(OECD)(OECD)revealed ahead of COP26

OECD秘书长Mathias Cormann说:“ 2018年至2019年之间,整体气候金融量的进展有限令人失望。”“虽然直到明年年初才能提供适当的2020年数据,但很明显,气候融资将远远不如其目标。”

适应气候变化的成本也是五到十倍than currently available public adaptation finance, according to estimates in a report by the UN Environment Programme. Furthermore, the report says the gap is widening, despite a growing volume of adaptation-related policies.

There was, meanwhile, frustration at COP26 when it came tofunding for loss and damage- 气候影响不可逆转的伤害 - 即使峰会看到主题变得更加突出。


“我们对拟议的格拉斯哥损失和损害设施的最终决定不包括在内,我们感到失望,”最不发达国家集团主席Sonam P. Wangdi说,该组织代表着非洲,亚洲和太平洋47个国家 /地区的10亿人,和加勒比海。“我们听到了对这种不公正现象的广泛认可,但没有解决问题。”




Major moves were announced in some other key areas.

Under theGlasgow leaders’ declaration on forests and land use在2030年,有140多个国家共同拥有超过90%的世界森林,承诺停止并倒置森林砍伐和土地退化,同时促进包容性的农村转型。然而,这项承诺很快受到了审查,因为民间社会表明签署人会在承诺上遵循的怀疑。



然而,鉴于过去的事件,许多担心这些承诺和任命是否真实,代表参与谈判警告,保证将等同于“绿色”if parties failed to develop transparency and accountability measures.

Amid the widespread protests seen at the summit, some also questioned the representation of attendees. Campaigners Global Witness, for instance, revealed there were超过500名代表与化石燃料行业相连 - 比任何一个国家都要大。全球证人说,这构成了“以公司影响力淹没格拉斯哥会议”。

尽管目前的排放目标看起来似乎很短,但各国同意明年应在埃及Sharm El Sheikh的COP27返回,以“重新审视并加强” 2030年的目标。

本文是我们关注的一部分‘The road to climate justice

This piece was produced by SciDev.Net’s Global desk.
