

在所罗门群岛出售金枪鱼。一项新的研究报告说,气候变化是为了迫使金枪鱼远离太平洋岛屿的独家经济区。版权:Filip Milovac/WorldFish,(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)。该图像已裁剪。


  • As oceans warm, tuna stocks move away from the Pacific island states
  • 金枪鱼股对太平洋岛屿的经济发展至关重要
  • Pacific islands may lose fees paid by fishing fleets for access to tuna



[NEW YORK] Tuna, the economic mainstay of the Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS), are being driven out of the exclusive economic zones (EEZ) of these vulnerable countries by ocean warming, says anew study

小溪是UN Framework Convention on Climate Change最不承担气候变化但最脆弱的责任,尤其是从海平面上升到的海平面全球暖化


根据这项研究,于7月下旬发表自然的可持续性,by 2050, under a high greenhouse gas emissions scenario, the total biomass of three tuna species in the waters of the Pacific SIDS could decline by an average of 13 per cent as fish move into international waters.


生物保护门户AD 2


该研究的首席作者约翰·贝尔(Johann Bell)兼太平洋金枪鱼渔业高级主任保护InternationalsCenter for Oceans该研究的发现表明,气候变化关于太平洋金枪鱼的重新分布预计将比以前报道的强。


“It is now evident that if high greenhouse gas emissions continue, a greater percentage of the region’s tuna resources will occur in the high seas (international waters).”


约翰·贝尔(Johann Bell),国际保护


Pascal Bach, researcher at theFrench National Research Institute for Sustainable Development在法国的马赛中,说,在10个太平洋小岛的Eezs中,有90%的金枪鱼出口到印度尼西亚,菲律宾和泰国的罐头。剩余的10%在巴布亚新几内亚,所罗门群岛,斐济和萨摩亚的工厂中进行了处理,这些工厂雇用了约15,000名员工。

休·沃尔顿(Hugh Walton),首席技术顾问太平洋群岛论坛渔业局, says the study “is very important tovulnerable由于全球变暖和海平面上升,已经面临严重变化的问题,尤其是对于环礁国家而言。”

“A change in the abundance and habitat of tuna species with decreasing in-zone fishing and associated reductions in access and licence income and possible food security risks is a major issue for Pacific SIDS,” says Walton. “Clearly understanding the issues now through this type of research allows us to look more specifically at mitigation strategies.”

Climate justice is at issue here, believes Walton, adding: “Pacific SIDS are not contributing to global warming, but they are increasingly carrying the impact burden.

“From this study and other related work, we can see that committing to the emissions reduction targets of the Paris Agreement could potentially return us to a pathway to sustainability for tuna-dependent Pacific Island economies.”

This piece was produced by SciDev.Net’s Asia & Pacific desk.