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  • 知识产权旨在推动技术推出
  • But they often fail to boost tech transfer and investment, and so harvests
  • Increasing scientific capacity in poorer nations can do more for yields


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“Intellectual property rights are not all they are cracked up to be,” says David Spielman, a co-author of the study and researcher at the International Food Policy Research Institute, based in the United States. “They are certainly not a silver bullet to attract investment and technology transfer intobeplay下载官网西西软件。”


美国南达科他州立大学的Deepthi Kolady

Published inJournal of Development Studies, the study found that the impact of IPRs on yields varies hugely between crops, making one-size-fits-all approaches to innovation difficult.

IP protection can take legal form in patents or be ensured biologically, for example by making hybrids of existing crops difficult to copy or breed. In international development, such forms of IP assertion are seen as important to get companies to roll out technologies and improved crop varieties among farmers.

But Spielman says it is unclear how effective IPRs are at boosting agriculture. The study, published on 12 October, investigates links between IPRs and the yield of eight major crops, including rice, maize, cotton and wheat, between 1961 and 2010.

研究人员发现,尽管收益率差距是en developing countries and the world’s top producers of the studied crops narrowed during this period, legal IPRs only played a marginal role in this.


这findings should force policymakers to go beyond intellectual property when designing tools to increase agricultural yields, says Spielman.


但是,美国南达科他州立大学的经济学家迪迪·科拉迪(Deepthi Kolady)表示,尽管斯皮尔曼(Spielman)确定了复杂性,发展中国家不应放弃实施严格的IP制度。

毕竟,他们在发达国家有所作为,科拉迪说:她在2008年合着的研究directly linked the development of high-yield wheat in the United States to the implementation of legal protection for new plant varieties.



[1] David J. Spielman & Xingliang Ma私营部门的激励措施和农业技术的传播:来自发展中国家的证据((这Journal of Development Studies,2015年10月12日)
[2] Deepthi Elizabeth Kolady和William Lesser但是他们有功吗?遗传生产力在植物知识产权下提高((Journal of Agricultural Economics,2008年8月28日)