

A guinea worm extraction procedure on a child in Ghana. According to the WHO, Guinea worm disease is not usually fatal, but people suffering from it become “non-functional” for weeks and months. Copyright:Mary Glenshaw/CDC,此图像在公共领域。

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  • Guinea worm cases fell in 2021 by 48 per cent from 27 to 14
  • Community-based interventions proved effective, despite COVID-19
  • 最终的推动才能完全消除 - 卡特中心

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总部位于美国的卡特中心(Carter Center)宣布,在2021年,人​​类几内亚蠕虫疾病病例的数量使全球根除的目标减少了14个。

The parasiticdiseaseis caused by consumption of water contaminated with water fleas, known as copepods, which carry the larvae of the parasite. It affects people in remote and deprived communities who rely on open stagnantsources such as ponds for drinking.

Carter Center CEO Paige Alexander said eradication was “an approaching reality” thanks to successful interventions by national health ministries, but added: “We need to keep pressing to the finish line.”

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Guinea worm disease is not usuallyfatal,但是遭受它的人在数周和几个月内变得“非功能”。


卡特中心首席执行官佩奇·亚历山大(Paige Alexander)

There is no vaccine or medicine for the disease, however community-based interventions, such as teaching people to filter drinking water, have led to近年来大幅减少,尽管发作COVID-19根据非营利性卡特中心的说法。

卡特中心的豚鼠根除计划主任亚当·魏斯(Adam Weiss)告诉scidev.net:“面对全球大流行,志愿者和当地工作人员进行了家庭就诊,以提供健康教育,分发过滤器并保护水源免于被污染。

“In addition, the most endemic country, Chad, began limiting the movement of domestic dogs, which was an intervention developed in Ethiopia.”


Four cases were reported in South Sudan, two in Mali, and one in Ethiopia, while Angola and Cameroon, which each had one human case in 2020, had none in 2021.


The update by the Carter Center coincided with World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day on 30 January. It comes after the WHO said earlier this month that the disease was on the verge of eradication.


Guinea worm disease, or Dracunculiasis, is classed as a Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) and is caused by a parasite called Dracunculus medinensis.

当幼虫进入身体时,它们成熟并伴侣。“After about a year, a meter-long female worm emerges slowly through an excruciatingly painful blister in the skin, often of the legs or feet,” the Carter Center says.

“A sufferer may seek relief by dipping the affected limb in water. However, contact with water stimulates the emerging worm to release its larvae into the water and start the process all over again.”

In the mid-1980s, the disease was endemic in 20 countries, with an estimated 3.5 million annual cases (17 in Africa and three in Asia).

卡特中心由美国前总统吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)创立,他在1986年开展了一项全球运动,以消除几内亚蠕虫疾病合作与国家计划,联合国儿童基金会和其他合作伙伴有关。

人类健康教育与研究基金会非洲高级副总裁Ifeanyi Nsofor说,成就是“值得称赞的”,但补充说:“令人沮丧的是,这种疾病仍然会影响贫困社区。”

He said increased advocacy and investment were needed to raise Guinea worm disease and other NTDs on the global health agenda and achieve full eradication.



Isaac Olufadewa, executive director of the Slum and Rural Health Initiative in Nigeria, said there was a need to “leverage more offline and online innovative technologies”.

