
A fight to put artisanal fishers on the map


  • FAO guidelines the first international tool to focus on artisanal fishers
  • Rights-based approach clashes with conservation push in Costa Rica
  • 社区获得帮助以夺取生计,在政策中发表意见


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本文是支持的byThe Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center

FAO’s move to shore up the rights of small-scale fishers is making waves in Costa Rica.


Barra del Colorado社区坐落在Tortuguero国家公园和尼加拉瓜边界之间,大约有2000人 - 几代人一直在悄悄地谋生。

这封信以2013年的宪法投票对禁令进行了质疑 - 一种捕鱼方法,可以通过沿着不希望的鱼类拉动并破坏海洋底部的栖息地来破坏海洋环境。beplay足球体育的微博

The vote targetedindustrial and semi-industrial trawling operations。但是,对于较小的渔民来说,捕捞食物或在本地以基本收入销售的渔民也不例外。对于科罗拉多州巴拉·德尔(Barra del Colorado)和类似社区而言,这意味着将法律权利失去其唯一的生计和一种生活方式。

“在这个地方,这是我们唯一能做的工作,”利吉亚·梅吉亚·古兹曼(Ligia Mejia Guzman)巧妙地清洁了当天的捕获,虾的虾。这项工作占据了社区中大多数女性,没有社会保障,随着酸磨损的皮肤,手指流血,每天在美好的一天中赚取大约20,000 colones(35美元) - 在两个短钓鱼季节年。她从小就学会了它,就像其他人一样,她对此表示感谢。

这封信标志着为钓鱼许可证而战的开始,今天仍在继续。该社区的盟友之一是Coopesolidar R.L,这是一个当地的非政府组织,促进了建立共识的政策过程 - 涉及政府机构,非政府组织和所有生产性捕鱼部门的全国性对虾的可持续对话。

“我们一直在处理冲突grassroots level, very serious conflicts, trying to get an equilibrium between marine conservation and the sustainable use of these resources that bring development to a lot of people,” says Vivienne Solis Rivera, a biologist with CoopeSoliDar.

该非政府组织正在科罗拉多州巴拉·德尔(Barra del Colorado)工作,以建立社区获得许可证的能力。这意味着研究,讲习班,组织起来在政策讨论中发表声音 - 索利斯·里维拉(Solis Rivera)近年来的工作从该工具箱的新增加中得到了推动:一组国际确保可持续小型渔业的准则adopted by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in June 2014.

与来自120多个国家 /地区的4,000多名利益相关者进行长期咨询的产物,该准则是“第一个专门针对非常重要的国际工具,但直到现在,但直到现在一直被忽视 - 小规模渔业部门”,根据粮农组织。他们强调手工渔民的权利,并提供指导治理和发展原则of the sector.

哥斯达黎加绝不是俯瞰小型渔业的独特之处。但是粮农组织认为这是唯一制定自愿的准则的国家国家发展计划。This makes it联合国机构渴望观看的案件



“There is a real conflict with the environmental agenda,” Solis Rivera says, pointing out that high-profile campaigns have tipped the scales considerably. She believes the guidelines have added a crucial counterweight to that: for CoopeSoliDar and the national fisheries management body, INCOPESCA, having them in hand has meant the community’s concerns get more weight in policy. They give small fishers a presence; and this, she says, makes them disruptive.

据渔业规划分析师妮可·弗朗兹(Nicole Franz)表示,领导粮农组织在准则上的工作,这种冲突并不罕见。她说:“我们确实看到有时会有紧张关系。”她说,机构和非政府组织之间缺乏对话。她的希望是,该准则为“建设性协作的基础”提供了希望。

At a meeting convened by FAO last year at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center in Italy, delegates from around the world agreed to work towards indicators to monitor implementation of the guidelines through pilot projects.

参加会议的索利斯·里维拉(Solis Rivera)认为,这些准则可以通过“凝结”一系列与影响小渔民的政策有关的问题来产生改变。她说:“当(在哥斯达黎加)获得准则时,我们能够真正获得一种工具,该工具可以用来提供对这种方法的需求的更多意见,这些工具将人权视为保护的主要骨干。”

距离科罗拉多州巴拉·德尔(Barra del Colorado)几公里的渔民,在里奥罗多拉(Rio Colorado)的河口遇到了加勒比海,只捕获了他们可以出售给该地区中间人的虾的数量,再加上一小部分的虾家庭。

They ‘know’ that their nets don’t drag along as much fauna as other trawlers. Yet it takes studies to persuade Costa Rica’s government — and that’s what the community has set out to do, with help from CoopeSoliDar.

索利斯·里维拉(Solis Rivera)表示,这些准则帮助确保了进行研究所需的时间和金钱。自2月以来,通过临时的“研究许可”,这些人继续合法地钓鱼,同时收集有关其实践可持续性的信息。

That licence is due to expire soon. At a meeting last week, the community heard that early results of a study commissioned by CoopeSoliDar are promising.


When it comes to the evidence on trawling, Solis Rivera says the devil is in the detail: in some cases semi-industrial fishing is less damaging than a fleet of small trawlers. She argues that the answer isn’t to ban trawling outright, but to manage it and look at the specifics of each case.

“Trawling by small boats along the coast is indeed different from trawling by large industrial boats,” says Tony Charles, a professor and research fellow at Saint Mary's University in Canada, and Director of the Community Conservation Research Network. He agrees that the right approach is a mix of measures depending on the fisheries, species and what works in a particular area.

Jesús Chavez, president of the fishermen’s association and lead signatory on the letter that protested the ban, says “the conditions in the Caribbean are very different [from elsewhere in the country], and the productive activity is very different”.

Jorge Jiménez is director of MarViva, one of the local conservation NGOs that favours the trawling ban. “There is no evidence that grants an exception,” he says, adding that research clearly shows the technique harms the environment as well as the resource that artisanal fishers depend on.


Charles says fishers can be trained to switch to new methods – but if trawling is the only way, it’s important to compromise and work with them to reduce its impact. “Conservation cannot be achieved through one action” like a trawl ban, he says. “Should a government be so rigid in a trawl ban that it hurts those who most understand the coastal marine habitat and who are most likely to care about conserving fish and ocean? That does not seem the best path.”



With the help of CoopeSoliDar, they’re now organised, routinely recording data on the mollusc species in their mangroves.

这个想法是捕获随后进入政策讨论的知识。“我们确实需要生成对他们(社区)清楚的信息,这很简单,这是他们自己的语言,他们可以设法改善资源,” Coopesolidar的地理学家Marvin Fonseca-Borrás说。

回到科罗拉多州巴拉·德尔·科罗拉多(Barra del Colorado),丰塞卡·波拉斯(Fonseca-Borrás)正在与渔民和环境部官员进行讨论,该地图捕捉了社区对海洋地beplay足球体育的微博区和鱼类的了解。

“Marine spatial planning techniques are probably the most powerful tool that we have to communicate with fishers,” he says. “It provides information on the biological diversity of the marine ecosystems, but it also gets us to reduce differences between the different actors. And it allows us to find viable solutions to the challenge of combining conservation and development.”

本文是支持的byThe Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center。For nearly 60 years the Bellagio Center has supported individuals working to improve the lives of poor and vulnerable people globally through its conference and residency programs, and has served as a catalyst for transformative ideas, initiatives, and collaborations.

从2018年11月5日至12月3日,贝拉吉奥中心将在发展科学, with a cohort of up to 15 scholars, practitioners, and artists whose work is advancing, informing, communicating, or is inspired by the use or design of science and technology to address social and environmental challenges around the world.