

Copyright: Bjoern Steinz/Panos

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因此,这个问题不能被排除在外World Conference of Science Journalists, held in Seoul this week. Some of the sessions on nuclear energy were sponsored by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, the Korean Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power. Together, these groups described the benefits of nuclear power, new developments and how nuclear power contributes to the economy and environment.

In a conference full of journalists, anybody would expect to see plenty of critical questions around this sponsorship and the all-embracing assertions that nuclear power is a positive asset. But there weren’t any.


Harry Surjadi, Society of Indonesian Science Journalists

This made me wonder: when it comes to nuclear energy, are journalists critical enough?

I received some insights into this during a session aimed at教学记者如何准确报告核能。

日本报纸科学编辑Toshihide UedaThe Asahi Shimbun, said that public information on nuclear power is focused on the successes of researchers, governments and companies but not on the problems with them.


Indonesia is an example of where this can lead. The country does not have a nuclear reactor installed, but its citizens are clamouring for one because they see only positive stories about nuclear power in the media.

印尼科学记者协会执行董事哈里·苏里贾迪(Harry Surjadi)告诉听众,当地媒体如何采用完全非关键的核能问题方法。他在标题“大多数印尼人都想要核电站”的标题上发表了一篇报纸文章,而无需说出该信息来自何处,是否有任何调查以及如何进行调查,该调查是如何进行的

“That's public relations, not journalism,” he said.


"I think the key to being critical is to know the subject: to understand what nuclear power is and what the uses of it are. We have to do our homework as journalists,” Surjadi said.

但是,记者不能总是独自这样做,他们还必须得到他们工作的组织(包括编辑)的支持。这就是Dominique Leglu,主编Sciences et Avenir,法国科学新闻网站指出。
