

Copyright: Suzanne Lee / Panos


  • 编辑们想知道您已经研究了该主题及其出口
  • Keep pitch short, accurate, simple, and suitable for the article type
  • 与编辑保持友好和灵活,并尊重他们的指导


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在本实用指南中,我们收集了六位不同科学编辑的建议Science,,,,BBC Focus Magazine,,,,New Scientist, 这邮件和监护人andscidev.net




Use language that is in keeping with the publication’s style. Read several of its stories to find out as much as you can about its style and approach.
Be unique and fresh
Don’t pitch a story that another publication recently ran or that has already appeared in the outlet you’re pitching to – always do an archive search to check. If other, published stories overlap with yours, explain what will make your piece unique and fresh.
Ask for the publication’s pitching guidelines, and ensure you follow them closely. For example,被考虑出版onscidev.net,新闻故事应描述一个新的重要成就,科学突破,技术创新,政策决策,政策建议,官方声明或政治行动等。
Make it relevant
在您的球场上,您应该证明自己熟悉出版物的部分,说明您设想出现的作品。例如,意见部分New Scientist
别球场的故事从新闻稿或主要的journals – most media have those covered in-house. Instead pitch from smaller journals and conferences with no press releases.
The best pitches have a ‘so what’ sentence or paragraph that outlines why the audience would want to read this story. To include this, you need to find out the characteristics of the outlet’s audience.
Contextualise the research



Sum it up Come up with a compelling, exciting story idea. Can you sum this up in one sentence? You are more likely to get commissioned with a strong top line, even if the idea isn’t yet fully developed.
Narrow it down Be specific: pitch a story idea, not a general topic.
Why is it news? 如果您正在推销新闻,请立即澄清为什么您的故事具有新闻价值很重要。总是讲新的和独家的故事,并解释什么使它们如此。
基于其他新闻 Make your pitch relevant to what is already in the news. For example, a story on nutrition in Rwandan hospitals is interesting but why should it be published now?
A story on nutrition in Rwandan hospitals based on the latest WHO report or following a change in leadership at the local health ministry is a much stronger pitch.
使用各种来源 包括一些有关您要与谁交谈的信息,展示了独立来源和故事中的组合。许多编辑喜欢看到至少两个来源,其中至少一个是独立于主要来源的。
观看细节 Ensure clarity and accuracy. Do a spell check and don’t misspell names in a pitch or get capitalisation wrong.
简短 Editors are extremely busy people, so short and snappy pitches are more likely to be successful.
把事情简单化 避免行话。使用“利益相关者”,“利用”和“可持续对话”之类的词语将使编辑疏远。
Who are you? If it’s your first time pitching to an editor, include a bit about yourself, your areas of interest and your expertise.



Communicate with the editor

Be friendly and flexible Be friendly, available and agreeable during the editing process. Be responsive and flexible to the feedback provided by the editor. It will ensure the piece is better and more suited to the outlet.
尊重约定的单词长度 Don’t try to negotiate the word length. The editor has a word limit and a budget, and it is theirs to bestow. Once you have built a good relationship with an editor, it’s okay to ask for more space, but only with justification.
保持最新 Keep the editor updated about the story’s development, especially if there are delays. Missing a deadline without notification will damage the relationship.
尊重合同 When you write as a freelance, the editor essentially buys a service from you. If you fail to deliver the service, you’ve voided the contract and the editor has no reason to pay you.
Feel free to remind 请追逐编辑,他们在24小时内没有回复电子邮件但不要过度响应电子邮件。编辑将很高兴被提醒他们,如果他们真的忘记了什么,但是请记住,他们正在处理许多其他故事。
电子邮件or phone call? 编辑每天可以收到数百封电子邮件,因此请注意。有些人更喜欢电话,尤其是如果故事已经被委托,这可能有利于建立更好的工作关系。但是其他人更喜欢电子邮件,因此找出他们的偏好。
有时会议是最好的 一些编辑喜欢面对面。如果您是第一次取得联系,请尝试进行面对面的会议,因为您将对他们想要的东西有了更好的了解。这对于诸如功能之类的大型作品可能特别有用。
Get the tone right Do not patronise the editor. They too are experts and being mindful of this will ensure you don’t get on their wrong side.



Respect deadlines 您的编辑正在努力在自己的渠道内完成截止日期。他们为您提供的截止日期是有充分理由的 - 遵守他们。
Be realistic 如果您没有经验或未知的话,而不是宣传众所周知的出版物,而是尝试为一些鲜为人知的出版物写作,以建立您的投资组合。
坚持委员会 Don’t change a story’s angle or scope once the pitch has been agreed without notifying the editor. If you think you have suddenly discovered a much better story, don’t hesitate to call the editor and propose the change – they might be happy to consider a new angle.
One pitch for one publication Don’t pitch the same idea to multiple publications at the same time. Editors will be annoyed if they see the same idea in a rival publication.



地址格式 Make sure you pick a story that works well as a multimedia piece. Audio, video and photos add perspective and a human dimension to your piece, so you need to be able to convey this aspect through capturing the right visuals, ambient sounds or just letting the voice of your interviewees express their personality and views.
So when you pitch a multimedia story, mention why this story needs to be told in that particular format. If you’re not sure, don’t pitch it.
介绍细节 Describe the detail of your material: what visuals, what sounds, and also equipment you intend to use. Editors will have different quality requirements, but most of all they want to see that you think in images and sound.
Keep it straightforward Keep the story as simple as possible: a strong, straightforward structure is paramount in multimedia production, or the audience will get distracted. Images and sound need to work to make the story stronger, but they will fail to achieve this if your narrative is confusing.
有合适的套件 不要投一个多媒体作品如果没有the basic equipment to complete it. For example, photos taken with your phone are not usually high quality enough, and dictaphones aren’t good enough to record broadcast-quality sound.


Pitch checklist

tick-purple.jpg Contact details- 确保您的联系方式在顶部以备快速参考。
tick-purple-beige.jpg 时间和位置- 何时何地或意志,故事中断?有禁运吗?
tick-purple.jpg 封面– make the editor’s job easy by providing a catchy summary that could go on the cover or in the subject of an email.
tick-purple-beige.jpg 建议的标题- 总结文章背后的想法或提供建议的标题。
tick-purple.jpg 100字摘要- 总结不超过100个单词的概念。您甚至可以建议一个简介。使用活泼的语言使您的音调在人群中脱颖而出。
tick-purple-beige.jpg Angle– if you have a unique angle to the story, make sure you explain it clearly. For example, what questions will your piece answer?
tick-purple.jpg Research– provide links to research for easy reference.
tick-purple-beige.jpg 新闻稿/期刊文章– if the story is based on one of these, provide links or attachments.
tick-purple.jpg Page furniture– if appropriate suggest boxes, diagrams or graphics.
tick-purple-beige.jpg Interviewees- 列出您计划面试的科学家和专家。
tick-purple.jpg Portfolio– include examples of your work.
tick-purple-beige.jpg 卖掉自己– include your own website url or one line on your qualifications to convince them why they should hire you.
tick-purple.jpg 如果受命,请获得书面协议 -do they pay a flat rate for an article or a word rate? What are the payment terms? When is the deadline? What are the other terms and conditions?

This practical guide is a compilation of advice from the following contributors:

Inga Vesper:新闻编辑在scidev.net@keeping_cool
Jheni Osman:前编辑BBC Focus Magazine,现在是自由科学作家,作家和主持人。@Jheniosman
Lou Del Bello:多媒体journalist and producer atscidev.net@LouDelBello
Martin Enserink:Contributing editor forScience杂志,专门研究传染病,全球健康和政策。他编辑大部分Science’s European coverage.@martinenserink
MićoTatalović:前新闻编辑scidev.net,,,,now environment and life sciences news editor atNew Scientistmagazine.@mtatalovic
Sarah Wild:科学编辑Mail & Guardianin South Africa.@sarahemilywild
