
Q&A: COVID-19 experience a ‘wakeup call’ for Disease X

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Nigerian physicians being trained by the World Health Organization (WHO) on use of personal protective equipment (PPE). WHO said in a report last year that countries need to invest in supporting other countries to be prepared for epidemics. Copyright:CDC全球,(CC由2.0)


  • Influenza monitoring has fallen off during COVID-19 outbreak
  • 疾病X more likely to be spotted as a result of COVID-19 experience
  • 显示罕见疾病如果不选中,可能会成为全球大流行病



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[LONDON] COVID-19 has been a wakeup call for countries, making them better prepared for the next global outbreak of an unknown disease, according to Dr Josie Golding, epidemics lead at Wellcome, the world’s second-largest non-government funder of health research.



学习前periences of the COVID-19 pandemic, what changes might Wellcome want to make to the way it supports pandemic preparedness?



[国际严重的急性呼吸道和新兴感染联盟 - Isaric]中的一组称为Alerrt [非洲流行病研究,反应和培训联盟],并且已经得到了欧洲委员会的支持已有几年了。这是一个泛非临床研究人员网络,因此他们已经存在,但是我们已经增加了额外的资金,因此他们现在可以在……国家 /地区工作并尝试提供标准化的护理,尝试提供数据收集……这就是这种类型我可以看到的事情将建立在基础上。

Where do you see the risk for future epidemics and what can be done to minimise this?

The WHO did apress conference[on June 15] … and one of the opening remarks from [WHO director-general] Dr Tedros was that because of COVID we’re not seeing the type of reporting on the flu viruses that are circulating, we’re not having the virus being shared between countries where there is a lot of missing surveillance and, of course, this was down to [the fact] that those systems, and surveillance systems, put in place are being impacted by the COVID response.



乔西·戈尔丁(Josie Golding)博士,惠康(Wellcome)流行的领导



Global experts are convened by WHO going from 2015 onwards to review this exact question. WHO have put together a list, theWHO R&D Blueprint priority list of diseases, and although COVID specifically wasn’t listed, the coronavirus family was listed along with MERS, so I think that is a good place to start. Similar to the risk around influenza and having surveillance systems being jeopardised, this is also the case for those diseases. Not a lot of funding and investment comes into [many of these diseases] partly because they are so rare. So, I think Disease X is likely to be that — unless you’re really looking for it, it is going to be missed.

而且与[与] covid的情况如此相似,我们必须记住为什么在何时检测到的原因。这是因为该国有来自SARS和Avian流感的中国经验,因此有适当的系统来检测奇怪的肺炎即将来临。因此,我确实认为Covid将在国家中投入许多这些系统和经验,以比以往任何时候都更能发现异常事物,因为一开始就更好,更快地处理它的国家是拥有这种历史知识的国家。我认为,在下一种疾病X方面,这将产生很大的不同。

You said COVID-19 has increased surveillance and awareness and that will help us in a future pandemic, but what about the wider political and institutional support?

惠康已经通过我们的董事杰里米·法拉尔(Jeremy Farrar)参与的举措之一一直是全球准备监测委员会。这是从[2014-2016]西非埃博拉疫情中提出的一项建议中,这是一群与世卫组织和世界银行合作的世界专家,他们提出了a report去年九月。该报告说 - 人们已经知道的是,各国需要投资支持其他国家为流行病做好准备,国家需要投资研究。因此,那些全球采取行动的呼吁一直在进行。

我唯一的希望是[我们爆发了] covid,这是一个唤醒电话,人们确实理解这确实会影响世界上的每个人。惠康投资的许多疾病,例如埃博拉病毒,仅影响了少数国家[但是]流行病,如果未经检查,它们可能会成长并影响世界上的每个人。这就是我最大的希望,我确实认为Covid将是那个唤醒电话。
