

Peter Piot Q&A - MAIN
Peter Piot, director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine speaking at the Reaching the Last Mile Forum in Abu Dhabi, UAE. To his left is Ferozudin Feroz, Afghan Minister of Health. Copyright: Photo courtesy of Reaching the Last Mile Forum.

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  • Tackling climate change should be a priority
  • 2020 goal for HIV won’t be met
  • Countries need to set their priorities

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[ABU DHABI] Countries and institutions need to prioritise which可持续发展目标(可持续发展目标)据管理英国开发研究合作的董事会主席彼得·皮奥特(Peter Piot)表示,他们将重点关注。

The SDGs were adopted by the United Nations in September 2015, and call forgovernments和组织实现诸如消除贫困,消除饥饿和确保每个人都可以使用清洁,负担得起的目标等目标energyby 2030.

然而,在达到的间隙the Last Mile Forum in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, on 19 November, Piot, who is director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said there had been a collective over-optimism in setting the end date for so many goals at 2030.


One point where I think we have been collectively over-optimistic is about ending so many things by 2030. Maybe we need to take a cold, hard look now that we are approaching 2020 when there are some mid-term or intermediary steps. For艾滋病病毒例如,我们将不符合2020年的目标,即每年不到500,000个新的艾滋病毒感染。我们仍然有170万。没人的错,只是困难,所以这就是为什么我批评的原因。

我们必须小心,我们不会为失败而准备自己无法交付的东西。就像Healthfor All by 2000 [the much maligned 1978 Alma-Ata declaration, criticised for being unrealistic].

We must be ambitious, definitely. And I definitely support that ambition and aspiration. I think for the meeting here, it is in a sense about more concrete things [countries pledged $2.6 billion to eradicate polio during the Reaching the Last Mile Forum]. Particular diseases definitely can be eliminated in particular counties. Worldwide, that is another story. So the difficulty for something like the SDGs is that you need one figure for the whole world, for China, for Abu Dhabi, for Argentina and for the UK. And that is an impossible exercise, but I understand why that is needed.

What needs to change? How can we approach the SDGs more effectively?

If I was in charge of a country, I would say ok, we are going to concentrate on [specific ones] and use that to bring people together. But in the health field, it is the difficult combination of delivering on the various18beplay下载 elimination promises, or commitments. As we have seen with polio, it is not that easy. There is only one infection that has been eradicated in humans, it is smallpox, but many countries have eliminated疟疾.

How do countries prioritise?

总会有权衡,如果我们做“ A”,那么“ b”的钱会更少。我认为这些是每个国家必须决定的政治优先事项。我变得越来越相信,对行动的重要需求气候变化in a pretty radical way should be a priority.

Do you agree with the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Félix Tshisekedi, when he says he is hopeful the Ebola epidemic will end in the next couple of weeks?


I have become […] far more humble in terms of predicting what will happen based on experience. But on the positive side, I think that there are two things. One, the national response under the leadership of Professor [Jean-Jacques] Muyembe [who iscoordinating the disease response in DRC] is now far better organised, far better integrated into the community. And two, we’ve got the vaccines, we have got the second vaccine [produced by Johnson & Johnson] so I’m cautiously optimistic, but myself I wouldn’t put a precise date on it.