
Q&A: Most SDGs ‘going into reverse’ – UN expert group member

UN HQS-主要2


  • 可持续发展目标10、12和13至关重要
  • 可持续发展科学可以帮助解决下降
  • 反对气候变化的年轻人表明人们可以有所作为



Progress on most Sustainable Development Goals (可持续发展目标法国国家研究所(IRD)总干事让·莫蒂(Jean-Paul Moatti)表示,联合国国家研究所(IRD)总干事让·莫蒂(Jean-Paul Moatti)表示,联合国指控的专家小组成员迄今为止对目标进行了评估。

The SDGs were adopted by the United Nations in September 2015, and call for政府和组织实现诸如消除贫困,消除饥饿和确保每个人都可以使用清洁,负担得起的目标等目标energy到2030年。

The 15-member expert group is working on the first instalment of a four-yearly全球可持续发展报告这将为联合国一个关于国家对目标的表现如何,将于今年9月发布。



For most of the targets it is not that we are not going quickly enough, it is that we are going backwards. In some cases, it (progress) is going backwards because it was already going backwards and for the moment we have not been able to reverse the trend or even to slow down the pace of deterioration.


The three goals which are now clearly identified in the scientific literature as being the ones which – not meaning that the other ones are not important – if we don’t solve these we are going to have problems for the whole agenda, these three goals are the ones that are not going well.

Reduction of inequalities (SDG10), limitation and adaptation to climate change (SDG13) and reduction of the environmental and ecological footprint of our modes of production and consumption (SDG 12) – these are the key goals, the things that we need to tackle everywhere if we want to not only achieve these goals but the whole agenda. In these three areas, the situation is one of the worst. So, yes, we need to sound the alarm.


It’s not surprising because it is less than four years (since the SDGs were agreed), it has just started. Having more universities doing programmes on the SGDs, or having young people mobilising all over the world following the young Swedish (activist Greta Thunberg who began to strike outside the Swedish parliament in August 2018). It is difficult but we can do it.


IRD总监Jean-Paul Moatti

当您必须平衡几个世纪以来的基本趋势,并得到强大的经济,社会,政治利益的支持时,这需要时间。情况至关重要,但与此同时,这种紧迫性应该给我们带来很多希望,因为……我们知道该怎么做。我们可以同意巴拉克·奥巴马(Barak Obama)(谁说)“是的,我们可以!”

We need lots of scientific papers to help us know how to use this stock of knowledge, how to avoid contradictions, to maximise synergies. But potentially with the existing stock of knowledge and with the existing technologies we can do it.



Even in the core journals you have more and more papers which can be identified as sustainability science papers. Most of the papers dealing with global issues and with big consortiums of researchers published in Nature and Science in recent months are sustainability science papers.



This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.