
在socio-poli尼加拉瓜谜题在空间计划tical turmoil

尼加拉瓜国民议会尽管仍然是该地区最贫穷的国家之一,但仍批准为外太空的国家秘书处创建。版权:Axeeffect/Wikimedia Commons,,,,(Creative Commons 3.0)

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  • 尼加拉瓜政府批准了外太空秘书处的计划
  • 同时,科学界谴责大学自治的迫害和丧失
  • 政府击败了Covid-19,但指控进入该国的测试

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The Nicaraguan government has created aNational Secretariat for Outer Space, Moon and other Celestial Bodies,令该国科学界感到惊讶的是,预算削减和意识形态迫害所包围。

随着该国正处于严重的社会政治危机之中,国民议会批准了为“捍卫最高利益”在太空中创建的机构。根据丹尼尔·奥尔特加(Daniel Ortega)总统的提议,它将寻求“在教育,工业,科学和技术分支机构中扩大该国的能力”。


“As long as freedom is persecuted in its different expressions, there can be no science in Nicaragua,”

尼加拉瓜科学学院副校长梅尔巴·卡斯蒂略(Melba Castillo)

地理学家和历史学家Jaime Incer Barquerowas sceptical. In order to get into this area of knowledge, “you have to start from scratch, instead of having fantastic ideas,” he said.

Molecular biologist豪尔赫·休特(Jorge Huete),,,,member of the Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences (NAS), believes officials “have completely lost the compass about the real problems and priorities of this nation”.

由政府资助的秘书处“是对国际工具的最晚批准,在一个几乎无法在卫生系统中支付基本护理的国家”,前卫生部长多拉·玛丽亚·泰勒兹(Dora Maria Tellez)告诉scidev.net



University authorities were complicit in therepression within campuses特莱兹说,后来驱逐了那些参加的人,删除了他们的记录。


Melba Castillo, vice president of NAS, says the country has “no science and technology plan”. She lamented the “political layoffs”尼加拉瓜国家自治大学的科学家和纳斯和中美洲大学的预算削减。

The Ministry of Education “has closed access to the education system to anyone who does not have the government’s endorsement, so it is very difficult to undertake independent investigations,” she added.

在区域层面,伊比罗裔美国人的组织和Network of Science and Technology Indicators(Ricyt,西班牙语)没有收到Ricyt协调员Mario Albornoz的尼加拉瓜的信息scidev.net


更多的than 400 health workers自2018年以来,该国就离开了自己的职位。“那些不遵守政府的指示的人被解雇或通过轮班变更或工作压力辞职,”卡斯蒂略说。

“Now the COVID-19 areas [in hospitals] have disappeared to give the impression that the pandemic has been defeated,” said Tellez. “These patients are admitted to general wards.”

尼加拉瓜卫生部报告了6,489例和174例死亡,但公民天文台- 验证非正式报告 - 算出13,209例案件和2,997例“可疑”死亡。

同时,政府指控PCR测试150美元to check anyone who wants to cross its borders for COVID-19.

scidev.netreceived no responses to interview requests with legislators, or representatives from the Ministry of Health and the Nicaraguan Council for Science and Technology about the new space agency and national science policies.

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Some scientists also declined to respond. They were fearful of losing their jobs, according to two sources who asked not to be identified.

“首先,惩罚性法律would have to be repealed,” Castillo said, referring to the environment of secrecy, and rules that sanction those who disseminate information deemed false by the State and those who receive external financing. She called for the opening up of educational, health, environmental and economic indicators, and the recovery of university autonomy.

