
Legal tweak could wreck Amazon forest

Dense forest

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  • Brazil’s Terra Legal law means the protected status of swathes of rainforest could be challenged
  • 私人土地所有者可以大大减少他们保持原始的土地的数量
  • President-elect Jair Bolsonaro, who prizes development over conservation, exacerbates the problem

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半个世纪前批准的一项森林法规说,巴西雨林中的土地所有者必须搁置80%的土地以进行保护。但是截至2012年,对规则进行了修订,以便可以将比例降低到50%,如果超过65%的土地所在的州的65%被授予预订indigenous people或其他保护区。

现在发生这种情况的风险现在看起来更加迫在眉睫。2017年,该国批准了一项名为Terra Legal的法律,并将生效。该法律旨在允许土著人民声称拥有数百万公顷的官方无人土地的所有权。希望该计划将创建保护区并保护土著人民使用的土地。

However, researchers are warning that the programme may allow private individuals a mechanism to claim ownership of land and thus a means todeforestit under the terms of the revised Forest Code.

“ The amendment could also pave the way for large carbon dioxide emissions through human activity, contributing to global warming.”

Flávio Freitas, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

结论是基于study published inNature Sustainability本月初。研究人员使用模型结合了地理数据on conservation units, indigenous reserves, military land and boundaries of private rural properties, with simulations of land boundaries in regions where no tenure datasets are available.

They found that between 6.5 and 15 million hectares of previously protected private land—an area roughly to the size of Tunisia—would become available for industrial activities such as logging and cattle farming if Terra Legal creates room for challenges.


研究警告说,在很大程度上被当地植被覆盖,并拥有广泛的未指定土地的土地所有者,例如阿马帕,亚马逊,英亩和罗拉梅亚,将有资格将保护区的数量从80%减少到50%。The problem is compounded by Brazil’s president-elect Jair Bolsonaro, a right-wing politician who has repeatedly said that he prioritises economic development overenvironmental protection

澳大利亚汤斯维尔的詹姆斯·库克大学(James Cook University)的生物学家威廉·劳伦斯(William Laurance)说:“这些法律弱点应该紧急解决,尤其是贾尔·博尔森罗(Jair Bolsonaro)上台。”他认为,博尔森纳(Bolsonaro)将比以前的领导人更倾向于允许私人公司进入亚马逊的偏远且脆弱的地区。

“This is very worrying because the private lands that would become unprotected are scattered all over the western and central Amazon,” Laurance says. “Forest exploitation in these areas could lead to large-scale forest loss and fragmentation, illegal logging, road-building and mining.”

国际环境游说团体WWF称,在过去50年中,亚马逊雨林在过去50年中已经损失了17%的植物覆盖率。beplay足球体育的微博该国的森林封面 -often referred to as the lungsof the planet—is essential to keeping down global CO2levels.

The study published in Nature Sustainability was supported by FAPESP, a donor of SciDev.Net.