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根据负担得起的互联网联盟的一份报告,非洲在宽带政策方面取得了最大的进步。版权:Mike Ngo, wocintech/CC由2.0

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  • 一份报告说,全球南方的互联网价格正在下降,但进展缓慢。
  • 互联网是Covid-19时代的“生命线不是奢侈品”
  • 需要关于宽带基础设施和访问的强大政策来推动价格

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非洲,拉丁美洲和加勒比海以及亚太地区通过国家宽带策略降低互联网价格取得了进步,但根据负担得起的互联网联盟(根据负担得起的互联网联盟,进步都太慢了,“严重挑战”仍在寻求普遍的访问中(A4ai),发表了2020 Affordability Report上周(12月2日)。

Internet not a luxury



马克·廷卡(Mark Tinka),海科


The report ranks 57 low- and middle-income countries in its Affordability Drivers Index (ADI), which assessed countries on their policies for internet infrastructure and equitable access.

A4IA执行董事Sonia Jorge在报告中说:“今年的报告由非洲,亚洲,拉丁美洲和加勒比地区进行的专家政策调查告知。”

“Given the COVID-19 pandemic, which has exposed the shocking inequalities in internet access and affordability across the globe, the need to bridge the global数字划分从来没有更重要”。


该报告列举了亚太地区互联网社会的区域副主席Rajnesh Singh。


According to the report, Africa had made the biggest policy advances, with country-level improvements in planning, spectrum management, and programmes to narrow the digital gender gap. It improved by 6.7 per cent since 2019, although it remains the region with the lowest average ADI score.

非洲移动数据的千兆字节的成本是平均月收入的四分之一,是每月收入的2%的负担能力门槛的两倍。报告。It finds that more than one billion people across the 57 countries it surveyed still do not meet the联合国的“ 1 for 2”负担能力阈值对于移动数据 - 一千兆字节不到平均每月收入的2%。

Overall, mobile broadband prices have fallen consistently in countries tracked by the A4AI, with the average cost of one gigabyte数据自2015年以来,下降了一半以上,从7.0%到平均月收入的3.1%。





非洲电信基础设施公司Seacom工程部负责人马克·廷卡(Mark Tinka)告诉SciDev.Net

“The only way people will afford data and have universal access to the internet is to make it free. There is no other model, despite how innovative, where data becomes affordable while at the same time delivering universal access.

“The more access people have to the internet, the more expensive it will be for them to get it, especially if they are poor. Access to the internet is no longer a luxury that only a few can afford. It has gotten to a point where it is just as important as food, water and electricity.”

During theCOVID-19大流行,世界已转向互联网在家工作,保持企业的发展,访问education,并与亲人保持联系。然而,大约有35亿人(几乎一半的世界)仍然没有互联网,许多其他人被缓慢,不可靠的联系所困扰。

“The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the ways we live,” the report states. “The internet has become critical for family life, business, education, health and more.”

Boutheina Guermazi, director of digital development at the World Bank, who also contributed to the report, says: “COVID-19 highlighted how broadband and the digital applications it empowered can support national resilience, from the dissemination of public健康信息和远程医疗,远程工作或学校解决方案以及最需要的数字现金转移。”

她补充说:“ Covid-19揭露了国家之间和国家内部和内部的数字鸿沟,而对于落后的国家来说,现在是 - 确实是时候优先考虑宽带部署并连接未连接的时间”。