
Scientists fear global ‘cascade’ of climate impacts by 2030

Flooded village
富里·哈图(Fuli Khatun)是一名洪水受害者,其房屋被淹没在孟加拉国的2019年洪水中。研究人员说,到2030年,洪水和干旱等气候危害将增加。版权所有:联合国妇女亚洲和太平洋((CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


  • 气候危害such as floods and drought to increase by 2030
  • 撒哈拉以南非洲and Asia will be most vulnerable
  • But ‘cascading impacts’ will be felt worldwide


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Increasingly frequent extreme weather events could lead to more18beplay , displacement of people, and conflict within易受伤害的countries by 2030, with knock-on effects for whole regions and the global economy, according to the report by UK-based policy institute Chatham House.

The ten “hazard-impact pathways” of greatest near-term concern all relate to Africa or Asia, the report says, referring to the chain of impacts triggered by climate-related events.

“If we don’t act in the 2020s to help vulnerable countries cope with the climate change that is already happening, and will continue to happen, then we’re going to incur wildly spiralling costs in terms of dealing with those disasters in the near future.”

Ruth Townend, research fellow, Chatham House

However, the repercussions of these hazards may be far-reaching, it suggests.

The research drew on the views of more than 200 climate scientists and other specialists to assess which immediate climate hazards and impacts should most concern decision-makers in the coming decade.

“One of the really concerning things that the research highlighted was that [climate change] impacts aren’t confined to the vulnerable place where they happen,” said Ruth Townend, a research fellow with the environment and society programme at Chatham House and co-author of the report,什么近期气候影响最大,最让我们担心?


“They then cascade and have knock-on impacts and sort of chain reactions … that are global in their nature, or at least cover large regions.”

Adaptation finance




“If we don’t act in the 2020s to help vulnerable countries cope with the climate change that is already happening, and will continue to happen, then we’re going to incur wildly spiralling costs in terms of dealing with those disasters in the near future.”

Concerns highlighted by the climate scientists and other specialists included heightened food insecurity in South and South-East Asia, and Australasia, as well as reduced food security globally arising from multiple climate hazards leading to “breadbasket failures”.

汤恩德说:“您拥有这些关键的面包板区域,它们将谷物出口到其他地区,它们在稳定粮食供应方面起着非常重要的作用。”“So, if your harvest fails, you’re able to buy in grain from outside and that means people don’t go hungry and the impacts are confined, but … if those breadbasket regions get hit, that safety net is taken away from the whole region and that can increase global food prices.”


查塔姆之家(Chatham House)的高级研究员丹尼尔·奎金(Daniel Quiggin),报告的首席作者说:“农业部门缺乏韧性,以及发展中国家的广泛贫困和不平等,最著名的是在非洲,将加剧气候变化的影响并在边界驱动级联效应。

贾马普尔(Jamaplur)伊斯兰普尔(Islampur)的鲁帕利·哈图(Rupali Khatun)居住在她的家中后,痛苦地淹没了2019年孟加拉国洪水。版权:联合国妇女亚洲和太平洋。((CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

“Without more aid for adaptation and poverty reduction, food insecurity due to extreme heat, drought, storm damage and multiple crop failures could result in political instability and conflict and drive increased migration to Southern Europe.”

The paper calls for the development of a comprehensive climate risk register that charts the communities most vulnerable to climate hazards, the potential cascading risks, and what can be done to increase resilience.


“The key thing that we’re saying in this report is that by addressing those issues of vulnerability, we can actually prevent really appalling climate disasters from occurring in this decade,” added Townend.

国际环境与发展研究所的气候治理和金融研究员Ritu Bharadwaj表示,气候“损失和损害”金融将是COP26上要解决的关键问题之一。beplay足球体育的微博“这正在发生,世界各地脆弱的国家和社区正在丧命,生计,房屋 - 他们正在流离失所。”告诉A。scidev.net辩论上周,补充说:“随着气候变化的影响恶化,这些问题只会升级。”
