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  • 研究人员和非政府组织已颁布了100个发展问题的入围名单
  • They cover governance, food security, conflict and inequalities
  • 该列表是“最重要的问题,但也许不是最有趣的问题”




The list of 100 research areas, drawn up in a paper published last month in发展政策审查,旨在突出围绕该问题的最重要的研究问题可持续发展目标,这是在2015年9月推出的千年发展目标。

它包括物理和生命科学中的主题 - 例如climate change’s影响健康and better活力分发 - 以及社会科学问题,例如使企业和边缘化群体之间的相互作用更公平,并改善性别equality.


Simon Trace, Practical Action

由14个学者和21名非政府组织代表组成的团队整理了这些问题,他们认为这是“对于2015年后国际发展议程至关重要的问题”。它们分为九个主要主题,这些主题涵盖治理,18beplay , conflict and inequalities.

“The list itself is proof that you can get people to agree,” says co-author Johan Oldekop from the International Forestry and Resources Institutions network at the University of Michigan in the United States. “And the next step is how we can answer these [questions] together.”

这些问题涵盖了现有问题,例如如何最好地改善农村生计 - 以及较新的问题,包括“企业在保护人权中的作用”和“中等收入国家的复杂和有争议的角色”,作为捐助者和接收者援助。


此列表也应对资金机构和policymakers,从英国公开大学的合着者洛伦扎·富塔纳(Lorenza Fontana)添加。

参与咨询的英国非政府组织实践行动前首席执行官西蒙·特雷斯特(Simon Trace)表示,该清单是“对于任何研究议程来说是一个有趣的起点”。但是,由于咨询的“平均”过程,入围名单可能反映出100个最重要的问题,“但也许不是最有趣的问题”。


The authors acknowledge another limitation of their study: the low participation of organisations in the global South. Institutions in Europe and North America contributed 74 per cent of the initial long list, with those in Africa, Australasia and Latin America contributing the remaining quarter.

“It is a real challenge to involve equally people from different regions, but something can be done,” says Fontana, who worked on a在拉丁美洲类似咨询in April. “We brought this exercise to the region in Spanish, which helped overcome distance and language barriers, and adapt the method to the regional culture.”

Fontana expects this kind of priority-setting exercise to become more important under the revamped global development agenda. “The SDGs are so huge and have so many targets, and this exercise to prioritise is less arbitrary than a few policymakers deciding on research agendas,” she says.