

Deforestation of the Amazon could have serious economic as well as environmental consequences, the World Economic Forum warns. Copyright:Mídia忍者[CC BY-NC-SA 2.0]。

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  • Economies of India, Indonesia, Latin America at risk in ‘nature crisis’: WEF
  • 南美森林砍伐可能每年在巴西造成4.22亿美元的损失
  • 60 per cent of coffee varieties in danger of extinction

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More than half of worldwide GDP is moderately or highly dependent on nature, putting生物多样性根据瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛(WEF)提出的一份报告,全球经济的前五名风险损失。

The report, compiled by WEF in collaboration with accountancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), finds that some of the fastest-growing economies in the world are particularly exposed to nature loss, and calls for “a radical reset of humanity’s relationship with nature”.

Around one-third of the GDP of India and Indonesia comes from sectors that are highly dependent on nature, such asbeplay下载官网西西软件, construction and food and drink, according to the analysis. Africa generates 23 per cent of its GDP in such sectors while in Latin America, the figure is 55 per cent.

“As the impact from nature loss intensifies, soon the economies and people’s livelihoods associated with these sectors will be put at risk,”

Akanksha Khatri,WEF自然与生物多样性倡议的负责人

These industries rely on extraction of resources from森林和海洋,或依靠自然来提供健康的土壤,清洁water, pollination and a stableclimate, the document explains.

“Given their significant nature dependencies, it is critical that these economies with significant exposure to nature loss assess, prioritise and invest in nature,” said theNature Risk Risingreport, presented at the global gathering of business and political leaders on 19 January.

Failure to do so could result in heavy losses for nature-dependent sectors, authors warn. The report says 60 per cent of coffee varieties are in danger of extinction due to climate change, disease and deforestation. If these varieties became extinct, the global coffee market—with retail sales of $83 billion in 2017—would be “significantly destabilized, affecting the livelihoods of many smallholderfarmers”, it says.



“As tropical forests face threats from felling and wildfires, pharmaceutical companies face losing a vast repository of undiscovered genetic materials that could lead to the next medical – and commercial – breakthrough,” it warns.


Amazon deforestation – which has resulted in the loss of 17 per cent of forest cover since 1970 – could also lead to huge agricultural production losses and longer periods of drought, affecting water availability across the region, the report forecasts.

WEF的性质与生物多样性倡议主管Akanksha Khatri在报告中工作scidev.net:“拉丁美洲经济尤其取决于自然。拉丁美洲的两个主要经济部门是采矿和农业,目前处于前五名的行业驱动自然损失。beplay下载官网西西软件

“As the impact from nature loss intensifies, soon the economies and people’s livelihoods associated with these sectors will be put at risk,” said Khatri, who believes that countries must treat their diverse resources as valuable knowledge-banks.


亚马逊森林损失因2019年大火而造成他们中的许多人有意开始- 与大豆等养牛和农业出口有关。



两国间的贸易集团价值1220亿Euros and the deal is expected to generate significant new market opportunities through the reduction or elimination of tariffs. However, some EU countries reject products coming from regions with a highbeplay足球体育的微博环境的脚印。

“Brazil is the leading meat exporter worldwide, but at the same time the deforestation generates conflicts in Europe, where sectors ask their governments not to import products from South America with such low environmental standards,” explained Giardini.

“This is the reason why Amazon fires are jeopardizing the deal, which is also tied to the Paris Agreement and other climate accords.”

阿根廷科学技术研究委员会的研究员Luciana Ghiotto,Conicet和阿根廷国立大学圣马丁大学是对欧盟 - 麦萨尔协议的广泛分析的合着者。


“Curiously, it’s European companies that ship their chemical products to South America after they are forbidden in European countries,” she added.


For the reasons above, biodiversity loss is one of the five human threats for the next decade, according to another report on全球风险1月15日在WEF展出。


The reports seek to identify “priority socioeconomic systems for transformation” and “scope the market and investment opportunities for nature-based solutions to environmental challenges”, the WEF says.
