

perdida mamiferos1
美洲虎是美洲最大的猫科动物,长达100多公斤,长近2米。版权:Joshua J. Cotten/Unsplash,,,,(公共领域图像)


  • 生态旅游,土壤形成和疾病控制最受生物多样性丧失影响
  • 较大的哺乳动物物种更容易灭绝
  • 拉丁美洲已经失去的哺乳动物提供的生态系统服务中有40%以上



哺乳动物损失在拉丁美洲正在加速,威胁着微妙的生态系统平衡,最终为社区提供了18beplay ,庇护所和生计,新研究警告。


“生态系统服务”是人们和社区从beplay足球体育的微博- 清洁空气和水,食物和材料以及文化和精神服务。

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Fabio Olmos, Latin America director, Permian Global

Modelling a scenario where all critically endangered species in Latin America died out, or where the populations of vulnerable mammals were halved, the study argues that the ecosystem services that would be most affected would include ecotourism, soil formation,18beplay下载 传统民族的控制和蛋白质获取。



新热带哺乳动物的专家Adriano Chiarello兼RibeirãoPreto大学圣保罗大学的保护生物学教授说,这种情况将是危险的。他说,由哺乳动物提供的生态系统服务对于维持本地至关重要森林


The tapir is the largest mammal in South America and can reach up to 300 kilograms. This herbivore is an important seed disperser.
版权:Schmeeve((CC BY-SA 2.0)。

“失败southern muriquis[极度濒危的灵长类动物]和Tapirs意味着改变我们生物圈的碳库存系统,这意味着要加快气候变化,最终是我们社会的崩溃。公司专注于保护和恢复热带雨林,以减轻气候变化。

Seeds from large, ancient and dense trees — the main carbon sinks in tropical forests — are dispersed by the medium and large mammals that are most affected by hunting and human activities.

Study co-author Carlos Peres, from the universities of East Anglia in the United Kingdom and Paraíba in Brazil, says that animal protein is the most valuable forest resource for traditional peoples in the Amazon, “who don’t go to the supermarket for their monthly grocery shopping. They fish and hunt for their subsistence.”

If mammal species are lost, “locals lose their access to animal protein and will look for sources in other places,” says Peres.

“这可能会为森林砍伐提供森林砍伐,因为趋势是将森林砍伐到牛牛 - 这可以改变整个生态系统并加快气候变化过程。”


In another study published in大自然科学报告在September, the same team found that Latin America has already lost about 60 per cent of its larger mammals (weighing more than one kilogram) in the past 500 years.


“例如,非洲的白色犀牛在草地上饲养和踩踏,使这些区域变平 - 这也是羚羊,鸟类和小啮齿动物的家,”未参与研究的奥尔莫斯说。



这个馅饼ce was produced by SciDev.Net’s Latin America & Caribbean desk.