

一名卫生工作者检查一个怀疑患有疟疾的孩子。一项试图提高对疟疾传播的了解的研究由于削减预算而面临风险。版权:Demissew Bizuwerk,(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).


  • 超过800个研究项目将受到英国援助预算的深入影响
  • Thousands of scientists call on British government to revoke the plans
  • 主要研究人员说,削减破坏了信任的合作伙伴关系




UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) announced on 11 March that its international development budget for 2021/22 had been reduced from £245 million to £125 million as a result of the economic impact of COVID-19, leaving a “£120 million gap between allocations and commitments”.



东英吉利大学火山学教授詹妮·巴克莱(Jenni Barclay)

塞恩斯伯里实验室执行董事尼克·塔尔伯特(Nick Talbot)表示,削减对发展中国家实际影响的持续项目的“严重违反信任”。他说,他面临着撒哈拉以南非洲的GCRF项目赠款的“重大削减”。



塔尔伯特(Talbot)以及布基纳法索(Burkina Faso),布隆迪(Burundi),坦桑尼亚(Tanzania)和马达加斯加(Madagascar)的科学家说,英国团队与内罗毕的合作伙伴一起工作,并监督了疾病仓库并监督当地的繁殖工作。


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Talbot said he was doing all he could to maintain partner budgets in Sub-Saharan Africa, but admitted he did not know how he would implement such a deep cut, adding that the exact amount remained under discussion. “It’s heartbreaking for such a successful project to be affected like this,” he said.


科学家动员了成千上万的人签署请愿书,要求英国政府撤销削减。“这一重要资金流的破坏将产生巨大影响,”一个字母signed by more than 5,000 people.

“As well as directly threatening the futures of the vulnerable and marginalised that this funding targets, the resultant abrupt termination of research projects will obliterate the hard-won trust with international development partners and governments overseas,” the letter warns.

撰写了这封信的东安格利亚大学火山学教授詹妮·巴克莱(Jenni Barclay)说,她的立即回应是“恐怖恐怖”之一。“我不敢相信英国政府通过这一前所未有的行动理解了它对'全球英国'所做的事情 - 取消竞争性资助的项目,或者如此彻底地削减他人,很难看到如何维持动力和信任。”



Asked to respond to the petitions, a spokeswoman for the UK’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy said: “We are working with our delivery partners, including UK Research and Innovation, to implement a new research and development settlement for 2021/22 as part of our wider commitment to maintain the UK’s world-class reputation for science, research and innovation.”

惠康桑格研究所(Wellcome Sanger Institute)的进化遗传学家玛拉·劳尼卡克(Mara Lawniczak)表示,她在马里领导的项目的预算从约180,000英镑削减到60,000英镑,其中涉及疟疾寄生虫的单细胞RNA测序。该研究旨在提高对疟疾传播的理解。


When patients go to the clinic for treatment — also partially funded through the project — they are invited to contribute to the study, with thousands of children expected to receive malaria treatment, regardless of whether they take part, said Lawniczak. All that is now at risk, she fears.

“When you are awarded a grant, you would never think that a cut could come after the award has been made, especially not such a dramatic one,” added Lawniczak. She said her research partner in Mali, Abdoulaye Djimde, felt “helpless” about the situation. “If this was a new collaboration and the rug was pulled out from under it like this, why would partners in [low- and middle-income countries] ever want to work with us again? They have invested in this project — people, time, resources, brain power — built on a foundation of trust that the funding is there.”
