

A shaman* in Colombia / Copyright: Wikipedia


  • 超过2.9亿吨的碳被锁在社区管理的土地上
  • 新的估计更新呼吁将土著权利合法化以保护森林
  • 专家问题方法是计算背后的“仓促”合法化


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土著人民对林地权利的合法化是支持可持续性的一种方式森林保持碳锁定的管理,有助于climate change减轻。

But while communities have succeeded in securing governmental recognition of their forest rights for 15 per cent of forests globally, the pace of recognition since 2008 has decreased, according to the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI), the organisation behind第二个报告



This leaves their stewardship on precarious ground, they say, with forests more vulnerable to national-level decisions which may turn land over to logging, commercialbeplay下载官网西西软件或基础设施项目将碳释放到大气中。

Both documents were released today, prior to the全球气候行动峰会在美国旧金山市(9月12日至14日)。




The key reason for the vastly increased carbon figure is the researchers’ inclusion in their calculations of soil carbon down to a depth of two metres, which represents three quarters of the total.

爱丁堡大学地球科学学院的埃德·米切德(Ed Mitchard)质疑这一点的合法性。

“th的有机物e soil doesn’t necessarily disappear if you cut down a forest. There are some bits of soil organic carbon that are very labile — peat, for example — but it’s not quite fair to say the people are protecting these stocks from a future contribution to climate change.”

Wayne Walker, one of the authors based at the WHRC, defends the team’s approach: “The point is, once the forest is gone all bets are off — it’s a protective layer, and by removing it you create the circumstances that make the carbon loss below ground that much more likely.”

英国雨林基金会的西蒙·库塞尔(Simon Counsell)在刚果绘制森林中的社区存在并帮助他们合法化土地权利的项目中说,这些数字“对于刚果而言非常高……它们非常重要,而且非常重要,并且可能是正确的数量级”。

Mitchard believes that “the real value in this report is in their significant efforts to map indigenous managed land and put them online for everyone to see”.


“社区是森林的有效和有效的监护人,”组织have reported。“They are investing substantially in conservation—up to US$1.71 billion in the developing world—and they achieve at least equal conservation results with a fraction of the budget of protected areas, making investment in communities the most efficient means of protecting forests.”

RRI的Alain Frechette的一位作者说:“我们的数据显示,如果我们不保护居住在其中的人,我们将不可能保护世界森林。”

* The caption of the picture above was amended on October14Th2018年纠正萨满的拼写谢尔曼