
African science drive raises duplication fear

版权:Brian Sokol/IDRC/Panos


  • 新研究中心和合作的工作可能重叠
  • 但资助者常常把钱结果ensure effectiveness
  • 尽管最初的障碍,研究工作可能会带来长期的收益




世界银行非洲教育部门的经济学家玛丽亚姆·阿迪尔(Mariam Adil)说:“关注基于结果的融资。”这意味着仅在收件人交付现场时才支付钱research目标,例如即将毕业的博士生数量。

“因此,专注于监视和evaluationhas been so much greater,” Adil said last week during a面板谈话在美国科学发展协会年会上。

“There is a huge focus on results-based financing.”

Mariam Adil, Africa Education Unit, World Bank


Adil was responding to concerns raised by an attendee — Joachim Kapalanga, a paediatrician at Western University in Canada — who asked whether these recent efforts undergo audits to ensure资金translates into research output and higher quality. “They seem to be duplicating each other,” he suggested.

美国斯托尼·布鲁克大学的科学政策研究员托马斯·伍德森(Thomas Woodson)引起了另一种担忧。他说,可能会出现情况,捐助者必须就赋予传统大学或卓越的卓越研究中心之一做出艰难的选择。伍德森说,这增加了“抢劫皮埃尔付钱”的可能性。

But the proponents of some of these initiatives pushed back, saying the African research climate keeps improving and that the recent research efforts will be beneficial in the long run despite initial hurdles.


近年来,非洲渐进的ly improved itsshare of global scientific research output. But that figure still stood at just one per cent in 2012, the World Bank says.