
Abortion rates highest where legally restricted: study

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怀孕的母亲在柬埔寨金边的Teuk Thla健康中心接受产前护理。世界上最贫穷地区的妇女经历计划外怀孕的可能性要高三倍。版权:多米尼克·查韦斯/全球融资设施(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)。This picture has been cropped.

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  • 在法律限制访问的国家中,堕胎利率最高
  • 可能是由于缺乏避孕方法而引起的
  • 政府“必须确保获得性,生殖卫生服务”

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Women in the world’s poorest regions are three times more likely to experience an unplanned pregnancy than women in the global North. Abortion rates are also highest in middle- and low-income countries, the research found.

在过去的30年中,全球意想不到的怀孕数量在全球范围内下降,但是堕胎的比例增加了 - 尽管堕胎的国家大致合法的国家略有下降。这些发现是一个的一部分Lancet Global Healthstudy by the Guttmacher Institute, a sexual and reproductive health research and policy organisation, and the United Nations’ Human Reproduction Programme,昨天出版

“归根结底,这代表了个人女性将做出的一些最重要的决定的数据 - 围绕身体自主权和妇女控制自己的生殖生活的权利。”

莎拉·霍克斯(Sarah Hawkes),联合创始人兼联合导演,全球卫生50/50



“These findings emphasise the importance of ensuring access to the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health services, including contraception and abortion care, and for additional investment towards equity in healthcare services,” say the authors.


“[A]ccess to safe and legal abortion as well as contraception increases reproductive autonomy. Limits on access to services, in contrast, contribute to unintended pregnancy and, when access is limited, unsafe abortion.”

性别平等组织全球健康50/50的联合创始人兼联合主任莎拉·霍克斯(Sarah Hawkes)说,这项研究阐明了与生殖健康有关的人口水平数据。




Veldman Map
通过网络的意外怀孕和堕胎率d Bank income group, showing abortion legal status.

That finding “lends credence to the point that abortion services are part of a comprehensive rights-based package of sexual and reproductive health care that should be available to all women”, Hawkes says.

According to the study, between 2015 and 2019 there were 121 million unintended pregnancies annually, 61 per cent of which ended in abortion.




But in 2014, 184,000 women in Nepal had an illegal abortion — about 57 per cent of all abortions that year. More than 63,000 women were treated for abortion complications,according to a joint studyby Mahesh Puri’s Center for Research on Environment Health and Population Activities, in Nepal, and the Guttmacher Institute.

Abortions are often available only at “prohibitively high” costs, Puri’s research found.

Puri tellsscidev.net在尼泊尔,对现代避孕的需求仍然很高但未满足。

“It is a matter of concern that despite a decrease in unintended pregnancy, abortion rates have not declined, most prominently in low-income countries,” Puri says.


霍克斯补充说:“归根结底,这代表了有关单个妇女将做出的一些最重要决定的数据 - 围绕身体自主权和妇女控制自己的生殖生活的权利。”