
The arduous path to make mHealth work at last

MSF护士使用手机 - 主要
来自MSF的护士Fadima Diawara(无国界的医生)在现场医院打电话给手机,版权所有:Panos


  • MHealth经常努力表现出有效性,或在起作用时扩展
  • 一系列国际计划尝试并开始改变这一点
  • 但是转变为更加联合加入的数字健康世界需要时间






但是,八个月后,该项目结束了,由于担心,该应用程序被删除了 -funding消失了 - 它可能很快就会过时。

这几乎不是孤立的事件。MHealth提出了诱人的优惠:插入空白health使用廉价,可用的工具为贫困国家 /地区提供。但整个撒哈拉以南非洲,亚洲和南美为了希望改善医疗保健一两年后,进行了数以百计的MHealth实验中的数百个MHealth实验。

Methodological woes

2016年reviewcast a harsh light on mHealth [2]. Led by Alain Labrique, a public health professor who heads the Global mHealth Initiative at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, it concluded that — with some exceptions — “the strength of the findings to support the use of mobile interventions over alternate strategies is still limited”.

The review found that many interventions go undocumented; many are designed without academic rigour, making it hard to gauge their success; and often the chosen outcome measures mean they cannot be compared with other studies.

瑞士日内瓦大学的远程医疗博士学位Caroline Perrin说,研究倾向于衡量有多少卫生专业人员像他们的新应用程序这样的卫生专业人员,并且通常太小,并且具有很小的统计敏感性,无法检测到死亡率下降, 例如。


Perrin’s professor, Antoine Geissbühler, adds that rigorous evidence is important not just to prove effectiveness, but to avoid harm. Even at pilot stage, he says, training sessions that focus on one health activity can eat up time and distort priorities. And governments need to make hard decisions between deploying eHealth and other activities, such as running vaccination campaigns. “Some countries cannot do [it] all.”


Choice of software, for example, is crucial, says Garrett Mehl, a specialist in digital health at the World Health Organisation (WHO). A bespoke bit of standalone software might be fine for a few villages. But could it withstand the demands of 100,000 health workers — the help desks, the training and re-training, the ‘community of knowledge’ that’s in the background, keeping it ticking over?


采用证明在诊断马拉维北部儿童有用的应用程序 -Supporting LIFEAPP(疾病控制的低成本干预)。“Even though the software was open source, the ministry of health just doesn't have any internal capacity to roll out the software or even maintain it,” says project’s coordinator John O’Donoghue, now an eHealth specialist at University College Cork, in Ireland.


Chasing success



她已经确定了70个这样的变量,所有这些变量都可能受数字干预措施的影响 - 例如,怀孕期间进行了四次检查,或者确定预测新生儿疾病的危险迹象。

唐格说,这样的代理是必不可少的pporting LIFE. “Thankfully,” he says, “no child passed away during our study”, so they measured hospital referral rates for evidence that the digital system improved the accuracy of health workers’ referrals.

Adding to efforts to impart rigour to mHealth pilots, a few years ago the WHO, with the International Telecommunications Union,已发表的建议关于如何扩展MHealth非传染性疾病项目。该机构还开发了lexiconfor both health and digital specialists, whose first version was released earlier this year.

同时,数字发展原则由一群捐助者和实施者撰写,在2015年得到许多国际组织的认可,并得到支持论坛launched last year.

谁生产了MHealth评估和规模计划(地图)工具包在2015年,新的Malawi eHealth Research Centre奥多诺格(O’Donoghue)帮助发现的Mzuzu大学。



Many people fail to grasp how formidable that challenge is, says Mehl. “It requires the enabling environment of policies, the infrastructure, the tools — and knowing which work and which don’t — and the training.”

作为成功的罕见例子,他强调了印度政府的消息传递服务Kilkari, designed by BBC Media Action, which delivers free audio messages about pregnancy, childbirth and childcare to women from the second trimester of pregnancy and continues until the child is one year old. Developed and tested in the state of Bihar in 2013, it went on to reach two million subscribers within 12 months of its launch. The government went on to adopt it in 2016, footing the bill for call costs and rolling it out in 13 states.

BBC Media Action India Digital Ection India Digital总监Sarah Chamberlain突出了其成功的三个因素。首先,政府已经投资了登记怀孕和分娩,它将基尔卡里视为激励妇女提供这些数据的一种方式。第二,捐助者的长期和“耐心”投资;第三,花费数年的时间与卫生部建立关系。她说:“您无法想象与国家政府建立关系需要多少精力。”“你不能只是飞进去。”

Cultural change



该系统已扩展到坦桑尼亚的四个地区,并计划尽快到达十个地区。非洲和数字健康区域总监Henry Mwanyika将其成功归因于健康等级的咨询,并“打破语言障碍”,以便工程师,政客和卫生工作者可以相互交流。


这可能表明国家正在唤醒MHealth的复杂性。这反映在解决that was adopted by member states at the World Health Assembly this May, and is widely seen as a milestone for catalysing progress in the field, says Mehl.


mHealth may be emerging from its Wild West phase. Indeed, the term itself is being abandoned in favour of ‘digital health’, to convey the joined-up thinking required for success.

但we might need to subdue our hopes. “The expectation that it’s going to have massive impacts early in the phase of adoption is unrealistic,” Mehl says. “It’s largely helping people to do what they are already doing but a little bit better, faster and more effectively.

“It’s going to be a slow transformation.”



[1] Hardy等人,试验(2017)18:475 doi 10.1186/s13063-017-2213-Z

[2] Labrique,A。B.等。(2016),支持前线卫生工作者的移动技术:景观,知识差距和未来方向的全面概述