
Linking science and human rights: Facts and figures

ICTs and other tools can help realize the right of access to scientific knowledge Copyright: Flickr/IntelFreePress

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s。Romi Mukherjee概述了基于人权的科学,技术和发展的方法,以及它们对政策和实践的意义。

人权为基础的方法科学、技术gy and development seeks to place a concern for human rights at the heart of how the international community engages with urgent global challenges. It entered the UN's lexicon in 1997, with Kofi Annan's call for human rights to be integrated into the UN's mandates, management, and methodologies for development and international cooperation.

The UN Development Programme characterises this approach as one that "leads to better and more sustainable outcomes by analyzing and addressing the inequalities, discriminatory practices and unjust power relations which are often at the heart of development problems. It puts the international human rights entitlements and claims of the people (the 'right-holders') and the corresponding obligations of the state (the 'duty-bearer') in the centre of the national development debate, and it clarifies the purpose of capacity development". [1]

However, there is no universally accepted definition of human rights-based approaches. [2] This does not necessarily mean the concept lacks focus or substance. On the contrary, it provides a framework for confronting important global issues — fromgenderbiases to food andsafety to misuses of science and technology — grounded in a set of principles, developed through international consensus (see box 1), that clarify the relationship between 'rights holders' and 'duty bearers'. [3]


性别equality and food security are among the issues addressed by human rights principles



For science and technology,该方法要求科学家不知道他们的工作与人权的关系, and demands that they strive to secure and affirm human rights through the knowledge they produce. For instance, a rights-based approach to virus studies — in potentially creating an ethical framework that guides research as it evolves — would not only push the frontiers of medicine and seek medical benefits, but actively guard against the potential to create new biological weapons. There is a question, here, of whether this is the responsibility of virologists (e.g. by contributing to dual-use debates) or the scientific community in general.

A human rights perspective also affirms that access to scientific information is a human right(Article 27(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, see box 1). [5] This implies that the benefits of scientific advancement should be shared openly, free from restrictions by social groups, corporate entities or states. Above all, a rights-based approach to science seeks to create the conditions for equitable participation in the global science community and fair access to scientific information and goods.


BOX 1: Documents that include or centre around human rights-based approach to science, development, and technology, and their key principles:

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (article 27):affirms everyone's right to participate in and benefit from scientific advances, and be protected from scientific misuses.


联合国教科文组织关于科学研究人员地位的建议 - 1974年(article 4):affirms that all advances in scientific and technological knowledge should be solely geared towards securing well-being for global citizens, and calls upon member states to develop the necessary protocol and policies to monitor and secure this objective. [7]

Countries are asked to show that science and technology is integrated into policies that aim to ensure a more humane and just society. This is monitored by the member-states of UNESCO and through UNESCO's bi-annual meeting of the Executive Board. During 2012, member-states are currently re-assessing how article 4 is implemented, with a view to updating its scope and monitoring. [8]

UNESCO Declaration on the Use of Scientific Knowledge — 1999(article 33):这是“如今,科学及其应用比以往任何时候都在发展中是必不可少的。所有级别的政府和私营部门应通过适当的教育和研究计划作为建立足够且均匀分布的科学和技术能力提供增强的支持对于经济,社会,文化和环保的发展,必不可少的基础。这对于发展中国家尤为迫切。”beplay足球体育的微博[9]


Other Instruments important for human rights-based approaches to science, technology, and development:

  • 国际经济,社会和文化权利盟约(1966) [10]
  • 社会进步与发展宣言(1969)[11]
  • Declaration on the Use of Scientific and Technological Progress in the Interests of Peace and for the Benefit of Mankind (1975) [12]
  • Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005) [13]
  • The Declaration of Dakar (2007) [14]
  • 《开罗宣言》(2006年)[15]




Rather, the challenge is to explore how the human rights approach can help promote我ndigenousand local knowledge; how it can enable dialogue between competing beliefs where each claims to be universal; and how it can establish bridges between traditional and innovative forms of science and technology.

Kenyan rainmakers

It is hoped that human rights approaches can link scientific innovation and indigenous knowledge

Flickr/DFID - 英国国际发展部


Good science, and a respect for human rights, rely heavily on each other。例如,科学家依靠人权来保护自己的科学自由,这反过来又使他们通过其工作来促进福祉和人权。[16]

In addition, science and technology can cause serious harm to the social and ecological systems on which life depends. Military technologies, for example, can be used to undermine liberty and justice; and新技术, 例如纳米技术或地球工程,甚至可能会质疑成为人类的意义。人权方法可以阐明新技术的道德含义,并研究政策如何跟上快速发展的科学。

另一方面,科学和技术还可以增强发展甚至实现人权的发展(方框2)。这扩展到信息和通信技术(ICTs) as tools that potentially facilitate access to scientific knowledge. ICTs are rapidly influencing democratic practice through e-government and social networks, for example. [17] But the use of ICT tools can also be suppressed through censorship or under-development — leading todigital divides这带来了新的排除形式。这说明了人权方法如何支持公平有效地使用ICT等技术的需求。

BOX 2: Emerging issues: Geospatial technologies

的另一种方式科技埋葬ect with human rights issues is the use of technologies such as geo-spatial, satellite imagery, and geographic positioning systems to我dentify and track human-rights violations。They offer access to remote parts of the world, providing both new information and a powerful way of communicating it for advocacy, policy debates or litigation.

Amnesty International, for example, has created the Science for Human Rights Project where geo-spatial technologies are actively used to access conflict zones and gather visual evidence in novel ways. [18] Amnesty's recent work in Syria, "Eyes on Syria" [19] illustrates the breadth of these technologies which can, with great precision, track unlawful executions, cases of torture and property destruction.

This approach could have enormous impact on the legal treatment of human rights violations and international law. But the status of geospatial data in national and international human rights tribunals, and questions around who gathers it, who reads it, and to what end, remain to be examined. According to project leaders at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), which has also emphasized the importance of geospatial technologies, scholars, organisations and advocates need to come together with the technology community to discuss the implications and identify where geospatial tools might be needed. [20]


The right to science and its benefits are not yet central to the ethics of development (a discipline that engages with human and social implications of development). This is partly because development ethicists prefer a language of principles, considered appropriate for capacity building, over a language of rights, founded in legal concerns. [21]


同样的问题也适用于科学技术的伦理,尚未提出标准化的人权方法。但是,关于生物伦理学和人权的联合国教科文组织宣言是将基于人权的方法置于持久方面的重要地标ethical implications of rapid technological transformation。它明确地呼吁人权的普遍宣言,该声明承认应从权利的角度审查道德问题,同时指出“健康[从广泛的福祉和满足需求的意义上]不仅取决于科学和科学和技术研究的发展,也是关于社会心理和文化因素的”。[14]


人权政策方法可以具有我mpact on many areas of science, technology and development, including climate change, housing, energy production, deforestation, access to fresh water, biological warfare, surveillance, public health, and gender issues. They are also at the heart of debates about developing a 'green' global economy [box 3].

In this context, one fundamental principle of policymaking should be a focus on securing human rights, and clarification of the actions required of both rights-holders and duty-bearers to do so. In concrete terms, this requires both policy-makers and stakeholders to remain vigilant as to how the policy they construct redresses human vulnerability and inequality, while actively establishing mechanisms that thwart human rights abuse. At the national and geo-political level, a human rights-based approach might allow vulnerable groups greater authority in conversations over global policy; and it would impel policymakers to tackle those aspects of global economic and political power that create the conditions for human rights violations.


Rights-based approaches to science, technology, and development are closely bound to the ongoing quest for greater global sustainability. UNESCO's message to Rio+20, "From Green Economies to Green Societies" sought to re-orient conventional wisdom on the future of sustainability by arguing that because economies are embeddedwithin社会,实现可持续发展需要的不仅仅是低碳技术和绿色投资。它要求采取基于人权的政策,这些政策不仅要考虑经济,而且要考虑科学,社会和教育方面的考虑。[22]

Good practice


The UN's human rights-based approach to programmes of development cooperation, policy and technical assistance uses a three-tiered approach that focuses on goals (realising rights), processes (standards and principles), and outcomes (increased capacity to meet obligations and claim rights).[23]

在联合国各个机构的支持下开发的基于人权的方法开发计划工具包为发展计划提供了参考 - 概述了优先事项,以牢记在更大的开发项目架构中的开发工作中。它有助于分析实施人权方法的进展。提供的工具之一是详细介绍人们和群体如何受到开发项目影响或忽视的表(图1)。

图1.演员分析 - 一种基于人权的发展计划方法的决策工具。[24](单击以获取完整图像)

图1.演员分析 - 一种基于人权的发展计划方法的决策工具。[24]

The toolkit attempts to firmly move the human rights-based approach away from abstract rulings and towards an analytic frame that can measure success. It is part of an approach to development planning (figure 2) that offers a series of principle-based guidelines that readily lend themselves to development projects, from inception to completion, while clearly illustrating how the international instruments discussed above (in Box 1) can be used to implement the human rights-based approach.



An example of how this might work in practice is a study of advancing the right to water, sanitation, water infrastructure and water use, led by the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) Lao PDR in collaboration with the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), the development charity Oxfam, and the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA). [26] Researchers used a range of techniques, to examine the politics of water distribution and use in Laos, that fall under the rubric of human rights-based approaches, including: participatory monitoring and evaluation, community dialogues between provincial and district officials and villages, transparent bidding processes for water supply, and community user groups (which build village consensus on contribution rates, maintenance of water systems).




However, these techniques are not exclusively human rights-based. Indeed, one of the great obstacles to developing good human rights-based practice is that the approach can encompass everything, thus risking being nothing at all. Also, consultation and dialogue do not necessarily guarantee consensus, let alone firm implementation.

人权-based futures

Certainly, science, technology, and development are central to the industrial and post-industrial revolution of the 21st century. And, even with their limitations, human rights are central to discussions on how science, technology, and development can promote human well-being. Human rights are also rights to sustainability, serving to protect the poor and vulnerable from the excesses of market-driven science and technology. Without a human rights approach to science, technology, and development, the uneven distribution of goods — from services and natural resources to intangible resources such as human dignity and autonomy — would only grow exacerbated, resulting in further environmental degradation and, above all, heightened vulnerability.

In other words, human rights-based approaches should not be treated as merely decorative moral dimensions to policy or scientific and technological innovation. They can form the very heart of sustainable futures.

s。罗米·穆克吉(Romi Mukherjee)是高级讲师巴黎政治研究所的政治理论和宗教历史以及法国巴黎芝加哥大学中心的访问讲师。

This article is part of aspotlighton联系人权,科学与发展


[1] UNDP. Belize基于人权的方法(2011)
[2] UNFPA.History and Definitions of the Human Rights-Based Approach[21kB] (2010).
[3] UNFPA.The Human Rights-Based Approach: Advancing Human Rights(2008)
[4] Bruno-Van Vijfeijken,Tet alsetting Higher Goals: Rights and Development. Trade Offs and Challenges in Implementing a Rights Based Approach to Development。Monday Developments, 27 (12), 19-20. (2009)
[5]联合国。The Universal Declaration of Human Rights。(1948)
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[7] UNESCO.建议科学研究人员的地位(1974)
[8] UNESCO.实施标准制定工具。第三部分关于科学研究人员地位的建议的实施[136kB] (2012)
[10] UN OHCHR.国际经济,社会和文化权利盟约。(Adopted 1966, entry into force 1976)
[11] Un Ohchr。Declaration on Social Progress and Development(1969)
[12] Un Ohchr。Declaration on the Use of Scientific and Technological Progress in the Interests of Peace and for the Benefit of Mankind(1975)
[13]联合国教科文组织。Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights(2005)
[14]The African Science Academy Development InitiativeDeclaration of Dakar 2007塞内加尔第三届非洲科学学院发展倡议国际会议,2007年11月(Asadi III)。出版www.kmafrica.com(2007)
[15] African Ministerial Council on Science and Technology开罗宣言[43kB]. Extraordinary Conference of the African Ministerial Council on Science and Technology (Cairo 2006)
[16] Claude,R。science in Service of Human Rights, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania (2002), pp. 14–17.
[17] Selian, A.N.ICTs in Support of Human Rights, Democracy and Good Governance[510KB]。国际电信联盟(2002)
[18]国际特赦组织。Using Science as a Tool to Protect Human Rights(2012)
[19] Amnesty International注视着叙利亚(2012)
[20] Wolfinbarger S.和Wyndham J.远程视觉证据Forced Migration Review38:20(2011)
[21] Gasper, D发展伦理和人类发展[52KB]。HDR网络24.开发计划署人类发展报告办公室(2009年)
[22]UNESCO.从绿色经济到绿色社会。联合国教科文组织对可持续发展的承诺[6.03MB] (2012)
[23] WHO/OHCHR.基于人权的健康方法[287kB]. Factsheet published by World Health Organization and Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. (2010)
[24] Socorro Diokno, M. Chapter 5.基于人权的评估方法。在基于人权的方法开发工具包中www.hrbatoolkit.org(2012)
[25] Socorro Diokno,M。Part I. Human Rights Based Approach to Development Planning。在基于人权的方法开发工具包中www.hrbatoolkit.org(2012)
[26] Berman,G。采用基于人权的方法:政策,计划和编程的教训 - 记录基于人权的编程方法的经验教训:亚太观点 - 对政策,计划和计划的影响。第506页(联合国教科文组织曼谷,2008年)