

一种displaced South Sudanese woman cooking food at a refugee camp in Uganda. A UN summit that aims to tackle food insecurity has become the scene of controversy. Copyright:ECHO/ Bertha Wangari,,,,(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)。该图像已裁剪。


  • 联合国峰会旨在解决Covid-19之后的粮食不安全感
  • 但是一群人说“自上而下”的峰会忽略了生态农业方法
  • 科学家,公民团体抵制峰会,举行其他演讲


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一种UN summit which aims to tackle18beplay 已经成为争议和分歧的现场,一群科学家参加了一场平行事件以抗议。

联合国Food Systems Summit将从今天(星期一)开始三天的“预选”讨论,主要会谈于9月后期开始。

这summit, announced in 2019 by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres, says it aims to spur action towards theSustainable Development Goals并推动合作来改变世界的产生,消费和思考食物的方式。

它遵循一个multi-agency UN report本月早些时候,由于19岁,现有的冲突和气候变化,世界上最脆弱社区的数以百万计的人被推向急性粮食不安全。


但是,有300多个小型食品生产者,研究人员和土著社区的全球民间社会组织将抵制为期三天的活动,而是举行串联,替代的预亮which started yesterday (Sunday).


这groups are concerned about the make-up of a scientific panel which has been instrumental in setting the agenda for the UN summit.

scientific group根据联合国的说法,由德国经济学家约阿希姆·冯·布劳恩(Joachim von Braun)主持,以确保“支撑峰会及其成果的科学的稳健性,广度和独立性”。


这authors of the briefing note include current and former members of the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition, the science-policy interface of the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS).

CFS,,,,an intergovernmental platform, was established in 1974 and reformed in 2009. It holds an annual plenary session in Rome.



scidev.netrequested details of how many of the nearly 30 members of the group were indigenous, from a youth or producer organisation, civil society or the private sector. Yet in a 1,200-word emailed statement toscidev.net,特使马丁·弗里克(Martin Frick)的峰会代表没有提供此信息,而是说成员是从大学,公共资助的研究机构,多边机构和监管机构中吸引的。


这make-up of the science group is a major issue, according to IPES-Food, as “the scientific group leadership is effectively the arbiter of what counts as science for the Food Systems Summit”.

非洲绿色革命联盟主席峰会特别特使艾格尼丝·卡利巴塔(Agnes Kalibata)表示,首脑会议正在寻求粮食系统的系统性转型。科学已被标记为这种食品系统转化的关键支柱。



Food systems are complex and sprawling, and the range of views on how they should be governed are as diverse as the world’s farming communities. Critics say the summit is focused on technology-driven agricultural approaches and excludes key actors in food systems, such as small-scale farmers.

在一个一系列建议to the summit organisers, Michael Fakhri, the UN special rapporteur on the right to food, argued that the summit was dominated by ‘sustainable intensive agriculture’ perspectives, at the cost of a more ecological viewpoint.





‘Corporate capture’

这opposing groups have raised concerns of “corporate capture” of the summit process, something which organisers also deny.

科学家的请愿书认为,强大的农业综合企业倡导者“在很大程度上预定”了峰会的结果,并说它忽略了农业生态学的科学和贡献和现有的贡献民间社会和土著人民机制- 向联合国世界粮食安全委员会提供建议的参与组织。

诺拉·麦肯,member of the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples Mechanism liaison group coordinating the parallel summit, toldscidev.net:“我们不仅在抗议粮食系统峰会,实际上,我们正在抗议公司捕获食品系统和粮食治理。

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“We’re doing that in the name of our vision of what food systems should look like and what indeed they do look like,” says McKeon, formerly of the FAO.


However, Frick defended the inclusivity of the event.


