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Global progress to protect children, underpinned by the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),这意味着今天出生的孩子比2000年出生的孩子生存到五岁生日的可能性要高40%,而在贫困中生活的可能性较小,更有可能在学校。

Mortality rates for under-5 year olds by country (2015)

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Since 2000, 24 low- and lower-middle-income countries – including Ethiopia, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique and Niger – have achieved the goal of reducing their under-five mortality rate by two-thirds.

If the trends of the MDG-years continue, however, by 2030 an estimated 167 million children, the majority in sub-Saharan Africa, will still be living in extreme poverty.

将有近200万儿童被拒绝完成学校的机会,最贫穷家庭的儿童将仍然是最有可能死于可预防原因的孩子,例如18beplay下载 malnutrition

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The transition to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)去年认识到,尽管取得了进展,例如将五分之三的死亡率降低了三分之二,但太多了vulnerable儿童被旨在保护他们的动作抛在后面。

UNICEF research highlights that despite the success of low-come countries in reducing child mortality rates, such as Malawi, Pakistan and Nigeria, reducing internal inequity has been less successful. Faster results can often be achieved by targeting richer communities, meaning the survival gap between rich and poor children actually widens.

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Limited economic growth does not mean under-5 mortality rates cannot be reduced

Annual rate of reduction in under-five mortality, 2000–2015, and annual rate of change in GDP, 2000–2014, by country. Bubble size/colour shows under-5 mortality rate in 2015. Hover on the interactive map above to explore andclick here to expand


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Discrimination within countries also means that poor女孩们生活在农村地区仍然往往无法获得教育的机会最少,种族血统和残疾将进一步推动。未接受教育的女孩也是孩子的孩子的可能性也比接受中学阶段的女孩高出六倍。

With married girls among the world’s vulnerable people, lack ofeducation因此会影响母亲,因此会影响儿童健康。

Child marriage affects 15 million children a year andsteals away childhood,因此影响孕产妇健康和缘由起诉re child health


教育can also protect girls from early marriage. Those who receive little or no education are up to six times more likely to be married as children than girls who have secondary schooling. Married girls are among the world’s most vulnerable people.

Global emphasis on economic growth


India and Nigeria, for example, are both experiencing rapid economic growth, but have both been slow to reduce child mortality.


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In terms of education, as demonstrated by the explosion of primary enrolment in sub-Saharan Africa, more money, in itself, does not necessarily result in better learning outcomes. More important is the way resources are allocated to ensure quality of teaching and to reach the most vulnerable.


朝着西班牙的承诺不离开-one behind and to reach the furthest, the challenge for决策者is that above and beyond the basic fight for survival, there is no universal index by which to measure child wellbeing and to holdgovernmentsaccountable.


Where one in three internet users are now children, higher in low income countries, access to technology becomes a priority for children searching online for advice, particularly where there is nowhere else to go for help.

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正如我们可能认为我们正在达成共识来定义福祉一样,地面也会发生变化。联合国儿童基金会估计有近5000万儿童有迁移across borders or been forcibly displaced in recent years, many simply falling off the radar. The世界卫生组织预测,每年因疟疾,腹泻和热应激造成的四分之一的死亡气候变化

联合国儿童基金会Innocenti办公室主任莎拉·库克(Sarah Cook)说:“每一次新的全球危机都有可能背负儿童福利。政策制定者的困难是如何概念化无形的问题,例如气候变化和移民,并将其提高到宏观水平。”


Equity begins by identifying who is being left behind and why, but with the births of nearly one in four children under five-years old never being recorded and a lack of a standardised methods for collating and reporting the data that does exist, evidence cannot be translated into policy.

When it comes to priorities, Cook says the challenge is also how to integrate the immediate needs of, say, sustainable nutrition and clean water with science-based research such as epigenetics and the effects of stunting on brain development into one coherent narrative that informs policy.


This piece was produced by SciDev.Net’s Global desk.



A fair chance for every child, UNICEF, 2016.
气候变化和健康, World Health Organization, 2016.