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不断变化的冰川,不断变化的经济和环境忧虑迫使不丹人质疑他们对水力发电的依赖是否是前进的beplay足球体育的微博方法。获胜者INASP/scidev.netdata challenge is a story of a solar water heater (SWH) installation at the Tenzinling hotel in Paro. The hope is to encourage similar domestic installations throughout the country.

Thirty years ago, Bhutan, a country of around 780,000 people, saw an opportunity to move away from an agriculture-based economy by harnessing fast-flowing rivers and mountainous gullies to produce valuable hydroelectricity.


不丹周围的五个主要水印物主要通过印度的赠款和贷款资助,现在最多可产生1,500兆瓦(MW)的电力,约占其潜在水力发电能力30,000兆瓦的5%。作为两国之间正在进行的文化和经济关系的一部分,在2015 - 16年期间,不丹将从印度获得不到1亿美元的收入。作为回报,不丹将其水力发电的大约75%出口到渴望能量的邻居。


Kurichhu(2001),Basochhu(2005)和Tala(2009)之后,第一个Chukha工厂于1986年开始运营。截至2014年初,已经实现了10,000兆瓦的目标中的五分之一。悬停在水电站(蓝点)以获取更多信息或click here to expand the map


But growing concerns about the hydroplants’ environmental impact — particularly the dams and the methane produced as submerged vegetation rots — and the upheaval of communities displaced by construction, have raised doubts about whether the hydropower target is realistic.

延迟季风、季风失败和通过减少er snowfall already affect the flow of Bhutan’s rivers. Uncertainties around climate change and its impact on Himalayan glaciers, whose meltwater raises river levels in summer, add to concerns over future hydropower production and whether putting all the country’s eggs in one (energy) basket is too high a risk.

1980 - 2010年,不丹喜马拉雅山冰川融化。回收蓝色区域是冰川损失的地方。如果减少水的不丹河流,那么水力发电水平就会变得不确定,从而影响了该国已经债务的经济。


Bhutan also urgently needs to create jobs outside the power sector for its increasingly educated and urban population. Electricity demand is rising, due to a rural electrification project that has succeeded in connecting an estimated 93 per cent of households to the electricity grid. Growing tourism also creates more demand for electricity, particularly from hotels looking to encourage visitors with comfortable facilities.





In addition, people in rural areas (more than 60 per cent of the population) who are not connected to the grid burn wood to cook, produce animal fodder and keep warm, producing carbon dioxide. Fuel wood is also heavily used for industrial production, agro- and forest products, road construction and in hospitals, schools, military camps and monasteries.




Fuel shortages impact everyday life and particularly hospitals and health clinics, which rely on diesel generators during outages in energy supply.


太阳能成功新 - 罚款


“太阳能甚至wh帮助我们运行我们的服务en we experience energy problems, we don’t have to send away any of our patients in the burns unit who need emergency care,” says hospital doctor Shankar Rai. He says the hospital is now planning to upgrade the system to 30kW in the near future.

  • Power generated from solar powered systems in Nepal

  • Total supply from solar: 50mW
  • Small systems installed in homes: 15mW
  • 2,000 systems installed in schools, health centres and small and medium businesses like hotels: 6mW
  • 电信公司使用的大型太阳能系统:40MW




2015年,在尼泊尔和不丹的欧盟资助的可持续和高效工业发展计划的技术专家Deependra Pourel开发了一个项目,以测试在Tenzinling Hotel在Tenzinling Hotel厨房的太阳能热水器(SWH)实用性的实用性Paro, home to Bhutan’s only international airport.

The project was designed to pilot SWH use in the tourism sector, to help the hotel save grid energy and money, and improve its environmental performance. Data from the project will also be used to test the feasibility of rolling out similar installations elsewhere in Bhutan.

Three solar collector panels were placed on the roof facing true south at 45°. A thermal tank of 300 litres was fitted below the roof in a store room. A glycol mix feeds into the system. Ambient fresh water flows into the thermal tank and is heated by heat transfer from the hot glycol. The heated water flows from the top of the thermal tank to two points of use – the kitchen and the pantry. Software connected to the Internet generates real-time data, monitoring the power of the solar collector and the energy generated. Use the scroll bar to see the full data set orclick here to expand

在冬季,paro的温度下降至-4摄氏度以下。该酒店有21间卧室和一间餐厅,提供早餐和晚餐。厨房努力应付对洗衣服和洗衣服的需求。即使在安装SWH之后,热水仍在每天3pm耗尽。Pourel和他的团队确定这是由于使用模式 - 所有的洗衣和洗涤都是同时进行的 - 以及使用的水龙头类型。水龙头的流速为每分钟20升,因此在不到一个小时的时间内用尽了热水。

Weather data over 12 months, including this graph showing cloud cover, provided by the Department of Hydromet Services illustrates the predictability of Bhutan’s climate, which produces a steady irradiance of around 5kW/m2, with the highest irradiance between November to January. Pourel's solar installation was adapted to winter conditions, such as the position of the sun. Although cloud cover is thicker during the summer, adapting the angle of the panels, for example, means solar heating is viable all year.单击此处扩展



Deependra Pourel is the winner of a data challenge offered to INASP-supported researchers to encourage collaboration between journalists and academics to produce data-driven stories. Deependra is a professional architect interested in integrating renewable energy into the built environment.His Bhutanese project was jointly funded by SEID, Jattu Solar Battec and the Tenzinling resort and spa

Images thanks to: Tashi Penjor, James Morgan, Brian Sokol and Panos.