

Pollution Delhi.jpg
版权:Eric Miller / Panos


  • 行业和运输的城市空气污染造成数百万
  • 公司可以通过减少能源使用或使用绿色能源来帮助减轻这种负担
  • 他们还应该考虑更广泛的影响 - 例如,分包商



A public health emergency is每年造成330万个过早死亡— more than疟疾艾滋病病毒合并。但是罪魁祸首不是18beplay下载 大流行:这是有毒的空气polluting世界主要城市。在印度首都德里,情况是如此绝望,以至于当局最近审判了一项计划,驾驶员只能use their cars on alternate days

德里是world’s most polluted city,高颗粒物的水平比WHO的建议限制高十倍,印度是世界13个的家园20 most polluted cities


When it releases updated2,000个全球城市的空气污染数据下个月,它将揭示一幅惨淡的图片变得更糟。影响很严重:污染不仅会损害beplay足球体育的微博并为气候变化做出贡献增加呼吸道疾病的发生率例如哮喘,以及导致中风和心脏病发作。

至于解决方案,学术研究和媒体报道主要集中在政府行动上。确实,inclusion of air quality standards in the new Sustainable Development Goals有望鼓励国家和地方当局制定新的政策。

But the onus isn’t just on governments: the private sector must also act to cut emissions. Industrial growth is a major driver of the crisis, particularly in rapidly industrialising countries across the global South. This is where most of the world’s城市人口增长is taking place, with young people relocating from villages to cities in search of work.


But these efforts are usually confined to factory operations and office buildings that come under a firm’s direct control. It’s time multinationals went further, and took greater responsibility for their subcontracting — the firms who transport their goods and equipment, for example. Businesses should include estimates of the environmental impact of these activities in company可持续性向使用干净燃料的承包商报告并提供经济激励措施。



从不断扩大的工厂和人口增长产生的运输污染中产生的排放量的结合使发展臭名昭著。在德里,工业污染和运输结合underlying geography- 通风不良的内陆大型大型 - 产生挥之不去的烟雾。[2,3]在北京,污染主要由工业煤炭燃烧,在墨西哥城和圣地亚哥等拉丁美洲城市时,运输是主要罪魁祸首。[4]

Since companies congregate in urban areas to take advantage of existing transport and power infrastructure, as well as the availability of skilled labour, relocation would require substantial public investment in rural infrastructure and education of rural workers.

But given that the huge health bill will carry on rising if we continue to fail to act, it’s an investment well worth making — and we urgently need to show companies and governments数据这证明了无所作为的昂贵。

Maha Rafi Atal是英国剑桥大学的博士候选人,她正在研究跨国公司作为发展中国家公共服务提供者的政治影响。她以前曾是一名记者,包括在福布斯(Forbes),在那里她涵盖了商业,发展和国际事务的交叉点。你可以联系她mra42@cam.ac.uk或在Twitter上关注她:@maharafiatal


[1] Elissa H. Wilker等人长期暴露于细颗粒物,与主要道路的住宅接近和大脑结构的度量(Stroke, April 2015)
[2] S. A. Rizwan等人德里的空气污染:它对健康的幅度和影响(印度社区医学杂志,2013年)
[3] Prashant Kumar等人New directions: Air pollution challenges for developing megacities like Delhi(大气环境beplay足球体育的微博, December 2015)
[4]Luis A. Cifuentes and othersUrban air quality and human health in Latin America and the Caribbean(拉丁美洲和加勒比海经济委员会,2005年10月)