

Wildfires deliberately set in Northern Thailand to make it easier for farmers to find a certain fungus, which fetches a high price in the market. Thailand ranked as the highest country with mortality due to acute wildfire-related PM2.5 exposure. Copyright:带走,,,,(CC BY-SA 3.0)。该图像已裁剪。


  • Wildfire smoke linked to fatal heart and lung conditions
  • 短期暴露导致多个地区的死亡人数过多
  • Chemicals in wildfire smoke can cause inflammation in the body


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根据野火释放的颗粒物小于2.5微米。研究published this month in柳叶刀行星健康。

研究人员研究了2000 - 2016年在43个国家的749个城市中的“所有原因”发生的6560万死亡。在这1510万死亡中,死亡是由于“心血管原因”,而680万人死亡归因于“呼吸道原因”。最高的过剩死亡率是泰国(2.32%),其次是巴拉圭(2.09%)和墨西哥(1.72%)。

2000 - 16年期间,研究位置中研究地点中估计每日野火相关的PM2·5的最大水平。图片来源:研究作者/柳叶刀行星健康/Elsevier((CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)。


“This study, which provides solid evidence that bushfire smoke has serious health impacts, uses data that varies by country,” says study authorShanshan Li,公共卫生和预防医学学院气候,空气质量研究(护理)副主管,莫纳什大学in Australia.

“这意味着人们应该采取行动保护自己免受丛林大火烟雾的侵害。Governmentsshould also makepolicies减少健康risks from bushfire smoke, particularly climate actions are urgently needed to reduce bushfires,” she tellsscidev.net


莫纳什大学Shanshan Li


预计野火的风险将继续增加climate changeworsens, the study says.

Reshu Mandal,动物学系的教职员工Sri Guru Gobind Singh学院,在印度昌迪加尔告诉scidev.net本研究对于“建立更高的PM2.5暴露与人类心血管疾病和呼吸道疾病的风险增加之间的相关性”很重要。


巴西国家自然灾害监测和预警中心的科学家Liana Anderson告诉scidev.netthat, the study results “confirm the immediate need to tackle fires, improve preparedness and strategic planning to avoid wildfires”.


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