
Tropical cyclones ‘can improve mangrove health’

Mangrove Forest in Pichavaram, Tamilnadu, India
印度泰米尔纳德邦的红树林。一项新的研究报告说,热带风暴可以提高沿海水域的营养水平,从而改善红树林的健康。版权:Shankaran Murugan,(CC BY 3.0)。该图像已裁剪。


  • 红树林保护海岸免受暴风雨的影响,并减轻海平面上升的影响
  • 热带风暴提高了沿海水域的营养水平并改善红树林
  • 在过去的二十年中,风暴帮助红树林吸收了碳


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[新德里]印度红树林的健康对于减轻气候变暖引起的海平面上升的影响很重要,受到热带风暴的影响,这些风暴改变了沿海水域的营养水平new research

红树林恢复可以提供缓解和适应解决方案climate change并支持向联合国的进步Sustainable Development Goalsmore broadly, says湿地国际,一个致力于该公司的非营利组织保护和修复湿地。

The study, published in科学报告,says that mangrove ecosystems have high rates of carbon sequestration which is reflected in their vast aboveground biomass and soil carbon content. Some 57 per cent of the world’s mangrove species can be found in India although the country only has about 3 per cent of the world’s mangrove forests.

Dina Nethisa Rasquinha该研究的主要作者和地理系研究员,University of Georgia,美国说,这项研究提供了有关红树林生产率在不断变化的气候下如何随着旋风的波动和幅度而变化的见解。



佐治亚大学Dina Nethisa Rasquinha,

“Storm-induced nutrient fluxes andfreshwatersupply play a crucial role in influencing productivity gradients in mangroves,” says Rasquinha. “However, with increasing intensity of storms in the last few years, the likelihood of this trend continuing needs further research.”

印度中央大学海德巴德中央大学的环境beplay足球体育的微博教育家兼助理教授Geetha Gopinath告诉SciDev.Netthat the study on how tropical cyclones shape mangrove productivity gradients is unique and opens new avenues in climate changeresearch。“众所周知,红树林可以捕获大量的碳和隔离(陷阱和储存)数千年。”


Earlier studies have said that the diversity of mangrove species is higher on the east coast of India than on the west coast. Previousstudies还发现,与其他地区相比,受到红树林覆盖的沿海地区造成的损失,甚至海啸少得多。

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R. Sathyajith, an environmental activist based in Kerala state, says however that mangroves are declining rapidly as they are getting degraded bybeplay下载官网西西软件,水产养殖,旅游和城市发展。“在上个世纪,[印度]损失了近一半的红树林地区。”

Sathyajith says the loss of mangroves is unfortunate because they are among the first lines of defence against incoming cyclones, storm surges and wind shear and more than proved their worth during the devastating Asian tsunami of 2004.

Maps developed by theGlobal Mangrove Watchteam shows that the world had some 136,000 square kilometres of mangroves in 2016. South-East Asia is home to almost a third of all mangroves, some 20 per cent of it in Indonesia.

Deepak Mishra, co-author of the study, says that an improved understanding of mangrove ecology at the local, regional and global levels is necessary to manage mangrove forests and integrate the newly-generateddatawith global research efforts.

This piece was produced by SciDev.Net’s Asia & Pacific desk.