

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. A new WHO report indicates that there were over 3 million COVID-19 casualties in 2020. Copyright:MONUSCO Photos/Wikimedia Commons,,,,(CC BY-SA 2.0)。This image has been cropped.

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  • New Who估计说
  • Earlier estimates placed deaths from the pandemic in 2020 at 1.8 million
  • WHO calls for fair and equitable access to COVID-19 shots among countries

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[NEW DELHI] By the end of 2020, COVID-19 had claimed the lives of more than three million people worldwide, representing 1.2 million more deaths than officially reported earlier, says a newly released report by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The revised figures, based on excess mortality estimates produced for 2020, indicate a serious undercount of total deaths directly or indirectly attributable toCOVID-19

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WHO’s世界卫生统计报告2021主要涉及到获得Covid-19-19疫苗的不平等。它说:“公平且公平的接种疫苗远非实现,收入群体之间的不平等现象被宣布,只有1%的剂量降低了[收入]国家 /地区的不平等。截至2021年5月1日,中高收入国家的中等收入国家,高收入国家的33%。

COVID-19实质上威胁人口healthand well-being across the world. Also, universal health coverage faced “the greatest risk of falling behind” with 90 per cent of countries affected by disruptions in essential health services, the report said.

COVID-19 strikes易受伤害的报告说,人口“不成比例地”,人们生活在人满为患的环境中的人们高风险。它还描述了与data分解(数据的详细子类别)有助于不平等的健康结果。

根据该报告,“ [[高质量]分解了监测健康不平等的数据,并确保全世界缺乏公平的健康服务访问和吸收……[只有133个研究的国家中,只有51%的数据包括数据分解的国家健康统计报告,从[高收入国家]的63%到其他收入群体的46-50%不等。”

布莱恩·瓦尔(Brian Wahl),国际卫生部的流行病学家,约翰·霍普金斯彭博公共卫生学院,,,,Baltimore, US, tellsscidev.net: “In the last year, we have seen [multiple] ways in which COVID-19 has disproportionately affected vulnerable populations, including essential workers and those with limited access to医疗的services.”


“ WHO释放的2020年死亡人数过多的估计有助于开始解决这个困难问题”

布莱恩·瓦尔(Brian Wahl),约翰·霍普金斯(John Hopkins)彭博公共卫生学院

Thekkekara Jacob John,高级病毒学家,前临床病毒学教授基督教医学院,,,,Vellore, India, says that two messages are inherent in the report. “One is the sheer, staggering magnitude of the number of deaths. The second message is that there is no way to collect reasonably accurate numbers,” he tellsscidev.net

Madhukar Pai,,,,Canada Research Chair in Translational Epidemiology and Global Health,麦吉尔大学,,,,Montreal, Canada, notes that the WHO report provides a comprehensive overview of the state of the world’s health.

“The most sobering finding of this report is the true death COVID-19 figure. All countries must work harder to improve the reporting of deaths, since it is one of the most important indicators in global health,” he tellsscidev.net

On a positive note, the report showed significant improvement in global life expectancy at birth — from 66.8 years in 2000 to 73.3 years in 2019. The improvement was attributed to rapid decrease in孩子死亡率和传染性疾病,有低收入国家和中等收入国家的收益最大。

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