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马丁·霍尔(Martin Khor)认为,需要一项重大努力来防止知识产权规则破坏对可持续发展至关重要的土著知识。

Martin Khor is director of the Third World Network — a non-profit international network that researches, publishes on, and organises events about issues relating to development — which is based in Malaysia.

Indigenous knowledge (IK) is now widely recognised as vital for ecological and social sustainability. Yet too often, the rights of the holders and practitioners of such knowledge are not respected by those seeking to make use of it. Indeed, these rights are being eroded, in particular by the invasion of the modern intellectual property system into the domain of IK. Action is urgently needed to reverse this process.



例如,自1995年世界贸易组织(WTO)建立与贸易相关的知识产权(TRIP)协议以来,生命表格的专利已大大增加至少某些生命形式(即微生物)和一些生活过程(即微生物过程)。它还需要通过专利保护植物品种或通过“有效Sui Generissystem” — a reference to an independently created system developed by a government.

This part of TRIPS has been a major mistake. It has opened the floodgates to the patenting of biological resources, and of IK about the use of these resources. In broad terms, biopiracy removes the rights of communities (mostly in developing countries) and instead supports the rights of private institutions (mostly in developed countries) that are granted patents.

These IPR holders are able to make monopoly profits by commercialising the patented products and the IK associated with them. In contrast, the local communities that developed or made use of the knowledge in the first place — and should therefore be considered as the rightful owners — usually get no benefit.


But the developing countries involved get scant reward for their contributions; and indeed may eventually have to pay institutions in the rich countries a high price (itself sustained by monopolistic IPRs) for the use of the product or process, potentially creating a large drain on developing countries’ foreign exchange, and adding to their foreign debt.

Another problem is the way in which the patenting of biological resources restricts or prevents other producers from using processes and products related to traditional knowledge. For example, a corporation that has successfully applied for a patent on the use of a plant for certain functions could try to prevent others from using it in the same way. As a result, those who have been using traditional knowledge for many generations could face restrictions on doing so in the future.

Typical examples include a US patent on the use of turmeric for healing wounds (although this was successfully challenged by the Indian government), a Japanese patent on the anti-diabetic properties of banana (traditionally used as herbal medicine in the Philippines), and the US patenting of a protein from a native strain of Thai bitter gourd (after Thai scientists found its compounds could be used against HIV infection). Such practices are rapidly eroding the world’s store of traditional knowledge and, in doing so, are undermining the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.



首先,需要修改涵盖生物体,生物资源及其使用知识的知识产权法规和法规。目前正在审查《 IPR和生物资源》第27.3B条,该协议涉及IPR和生物资源。许多发展中国家,包括非洲集团的发展中国家,建议本节规定活有机体以及生物或生物过程无法获得专利。不幸的是,包括美国和欧盟在内的发达国家反对这一提议。

在采用这种变化之前,各国应采取限制损害的措施,例如,将植物,动物和自然发生的微生物排除在专利性之外。他们应该选择一个Sui Generis植物多样性保护系统,可认可传统知识的作用和价值,以及对农民,土著人民和当地社区的知识的权利。这样的制度可以使参与的国家能够以保护当地社区的知识和创新方式保护植物品种。


作为公约的实施的一部分Biological Diversity, developing countries should also establish national arrangements for collecting and using biological resources and the knowledge associated with them, as well as for sharing the benefits from any commercial transactions with those communities which have developed this knowledge.

Unfortunately current efforts by individual countries to review their national laws on intellectual property, in order to bring them in line with their obligations under the TRIPS agreement, is likely to accelerate the biopiracy phenomenon. For this process now requires countries that previously forbade the patenting of life to allow patents on certain types of organisms and living processes.



Third World Network website
